Chapter 1- Friends or Enemies ??

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Dhriti's pov

So today is the first day in my college. I am excited to meet new teachers, learn new subjects and to make new friends and above all that i am most excited about meeting someone;) . No no no its not that someone you are thinking about. I am talking about my two bffs Mansi and Manan. (Oops sorry in over excitement i forgot to introduce myself 😬)

Well hello everyone 👋
My name is Dhriti Malhotra
Eldest and only daughter of Shivansh & Madhvi Malhotra. I have passed my senior secondary with outstanding grade and with scholarship i have been admitted in one of the best colleges of the city. I have architecture as I have always been fascinated by designing and buildings and wanted to be top architecture of India.

So here I am standing in the garden of our college waiting for my bffs. They were supposed to be here at 8 but now its past 15 min but they are nowhere to be seen. After waiting for them for more 10 min i ran towards classroom as we had our first lecture at 8:30. When i reached the class i saw both of them sitting at their trademark bench i.e. last bench. When i asked them that why they didn't wait for me they just shrugged like its the most obvious thing they would have done on this planet. Sometimes i feel that they behave weird with me but then i stopped thinking because they themselves told me once that they are not good in expressing feelings. Giving break to my poor brain a teacher entered in the class. I ran to first bench and sat on the seat just opposite to teacher desk. He started with basic introduction and told us about subjects. During the free time i went towards Manan and Mansi. We ate lunch and then they both excused themselves and went towards canteen. I came to my seat and started looking outside window. 3 new faces came towards me and introduced themselves as Rashmi, Neha and Varun. I shook hands with them. They were looking at me with very strange expression which i couldn't understand.

After the lectures got over i ran towards home and told about my new friends to my mother and aunt. They were busy in kitchen and i think they hardly listened anything. I went towards my room. Swati dii was studying in the room. She gave me her famous 1000 watts smile and asked me about my day. I told her about my new friends.


Later in the evening we went downstairs we saw Rakshit bhaiya, Shivam and Sachin playing video game. After few minutes we saw dad and uncle entering . Dad was looking very angry and started shouting for everyone after entering house.

I stifled a giggle because i knew exact reason behind anger as it was one of my pranks ;) . I saw Swati dii looking at me with a raised eyebrow as she somewhere knew that it has to be my doing. After returning to my room i bolted the door and after a minute started laughing like maniac.

Let me tell what i have done😁. So yesterday when i was coming back to my room i saw dad was busy with his work files and mom was busy talking to some relative and noting down requirements of her kitty party. In order to have little fun i just mixed kitty party eatables and make up shopping list in dad's folder and took papers and put them in drawer of drawing room 😉😝. After some time i heard a knock on the door. I opened door and dii came into room locking door.

She gave me her famous "Explain me!?" look and i very innocenly explained her that since i was getting bored and for some fun i did it and gave her my puppy eyes.

She narrowed her eyes at me and after few seconds started laughing as she was aware about these daily pranks. Soon i too joined her and after our laughing session she told me never to repeat it , very well knowing that all this is falling on deaf ears. I nodded like an innocent child which i really am :) and went to bed for my beauty sleep.

Next day i went to college and met Mansi at college garden. She was there maybe waiting for Manan. I went from behind and closed her eyes. She very happily told me in her sugary coated voice that she knows who it is. I wonder who is she thinking about as this is not pitch that she uses with me. I removed my hands and when she turned her smile turned into dull expression and then a fake smile. She told me to not continue these childish habits as we are in college , like i do care ;)

Rashmi came and sat beside me during first lecture. I was shocked to see her because usually i used to sit here alone. She was talking to me like a long lost friend. Not only her actually Manan, Mansi ,Neha and Varun were also behaving like same. I was shocked at their extra friendly behaviour. But then suddenly my brain started working like tubelight and i remembered that we are going to get an assignment tomorrow which we have to submit in 2 days.

So they were here for that assignment only. Nevermind i will help them as they are my friends. In the free lecture i went towards canteen to have sinfully delicious chocolate pastry from the money which my sister gave me yesterday. I thought to take one for her also while going back home. I started going towards my class after completing my pastry.

As i was walking towards hallway i saw my friends were talking in group. Being the curious cat i am , i eavesdropped their conversation. Varun was asking Mansi that why was fatso clinging to her in morning. After hearing the word fatso i was sure that they were talking about me as "fatso" was endearment my dear friends gave me but only behind my back ,so sweet na (being sarcastic) . Mansi said that she told me many times not to do that but i never listen to her. I sighed and passed through their way while giving an extra sweet smile to everyone which surely can cause them diabetes 😉 (oops sorry for wrong comic timing).

I entered into class and all the memories of past school came in front of my eyes. I still remember when i got my first periods i was not aware of anything about it. I was in school when i noticed that my white skirt has some red stains on it. I was shocked and got scared. I asked my friends about it which included Mansi also. They all started laughing. Soon the whole class was laughing at me making me more embarrassed. I ran out of my class and went towards storeroom crying. At that time one of my teachers helped me and called my sister. My sister consoled me and said it was nothing to be embarrassed of as it was normal for every girl. Even after that incident for the whole week my friends used to laugh at me. At the when i wanted someone's support all my friends were busy laughing rather than helping me.

Sometimes i even think that these persons whom i name my friends are whether my "Friends or Enemies?"

Hello lovelies 😊
I hope you are all safe indoors.
So this is the first chapter.

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