THIRTY-TWO: Where the Beast Gets an Invitation

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A week later, June 3rd

Things were beginning to wind down and Andie could not be more grateful. They had less than two weeks until graduation and The Great Escape, finals began the following week and the last day of school was only ten days away.

It was crazy how fast time was flying, but she wasn't about to complain.

The week following Benny's surprise visit to Keefe's shop had been a quiet one. Wolf Fang hadn't been seen or heard from since. Rumor had it he was officially back in town – no longer under his temporary banishment – but nobody had seen him.

Keefe, naturally, was growing nervous with every Benny-free day that passed, whereas Andie was barely bothered. She'd rather the bastard be MIA than popping up all the time and waving his supposed manhood around like he was worth the attention or fear he garnered.

Though she was morbidly curious to find out what that idiot was brewing.

Becca had yet to return to school (her heart break over her ruined prom was apparently too much for her). Her minions lamented that she may not be able to return for finals or the final week of school and thus would miss her last days as a high schooler. And it was all because she had been unjustifiably jumped by that mutant called Andie Logan.

All in a day's work, Andie thought, grinning to herself.

Now, on this rather uneventful Monday, Andie sat in her seventh period attempting to finish an in-class assignment. She had five minutes until the bell rang and about three more questions to answer. Since Spanish wasn't her forte, she was a bit slow-going (and usually among the last of the students to finish the in-class assignments.) Irritated, she pushed through, just wanting it to be done and out of her way.

Her phone vibrated in her hoodie pocket.

Though she was aware it was unwise to check her phone when she had an assignment to finish and barely any time to do so, she welcomed the interruption and turned from her Spanish to spy her phone underneath her desk.

She had gotten a text from Keefe. Though getting a text from him during class wasn't a rare occurrence (especially during seventh period when he had Computer Science and was generally bored out of his mind), he usually started the conversation earlier, not right when the bell was about to ring. Not that it mattered, it still lifted her spirits to see his name pop up on her phone.

She checked the message.

Got called into shop again. Can't tell what the prob is (Cillian seemed confused) but sounded urgent (right.) Gonna leave class now, get madness cleared up so I can get back to U ASAP. Get Boris to pick U up OK? Please? I know I'm paranoid but just help me out, alright?

It was ridiculous how long-winded his text messages could be, especially since he had an older phone that didn't have a full keyboard. He must have been typing that monster for ages. He was a marvel.

She texted back,

I'll call Boris once school's out. Guess I'll see U at home.

It was getting annoying how much he was being called into the shop. She hated missing her ride home with him. He was a far more stimulating companion than grumpy old Boris (much more fun to look at too.)

She didn't care if he worked there and thus it was normal for him to have to go in regularly. It was still aggravating.

Her phone vibrated again.

I won't be long, I promise!

She smiled at the message and then wrote back,

Make sure to arm yourself, m'lady. The Big Bad Wolf may be hidin in a bush waitin to attack U. If he is, give him a swift kick in the jimmy for me!

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