Six \\ Deaton to the Rescue

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Six \\

The game went on, but once three maroon players collided with green it all went to Hell.

Koda stood up abruptly, her brother being tossed in the air before slamming to the ground. She jumped down from the bleachers, ignoring protests of the refs.

Coach Redd let Koda through, the pair crouched down around Brett as he seethed in pain.

"Brett?" Koda took one of his hands, trying to take the pain away.

But it wasn't working.

"I can't - can't -"

Koda still tried to make it stop hurting, "What happened?"

"Brett, we're going to pick you up now." A paramedic had come over, he and Redd taking Brett off the field.

"Koda." Liam, surprising Scott and Stiles, grabbed the girl's attention.

Her hair fell over her shoulder, a worried look on her face as she met Liam. "Yeah, Liam?"

"Was that because of me?"

Koda shook her head, "I doubt it." Barely glancing over her shoulder towards Garrett, she followed after her brother.

"Who was that?" Stiles asked, slapping Liam's chest as the girl ran off.

"Koda, Brett's sister."

All the sudden like a crystal clear noise, a metallic pang reached Scott and Liam.

Liam's eyes were startled, Scott grabbing him.

"Are you cut?" Scott asked. "Did Garrett cut you?"

"No, no. I'm okay."

Scott looked to number 7, "Then he missed."

Did he?


Koda stood over Brett on the stretcher, clutching his hand in every attempt to stop it from hurting.

"Ambulance will be here in five," the paramedic informed her, glancing back to Koda. "He'll be okay."

Koda didn't know what to do. As a nurse she couldn't tell why this was happening. The wolf side of her didn't know in the slightest either.

A soft wind blew in, grasping at her for attention. She almost didn't believe it.

"It's going to be all right, Brett." Reluctantly, she let him go. "I'll be right back." She instructed the EMT to watch him before leaving the side of the school.

She found herself wandering to the front, the sign she found Carrie's blood on peaking her senses.

"This can't be possible." Koda mumbled to herself, her eyes suddenly lighting up as something felt deeply wrong. "Brett!" She darted back to the school, the stone sign sliding open after she was out of sight. She pushed through the double doors, the ambulance driver unconcious against his steering wheel. "Shit."

"Beacuse you're worth a lot of money, Brett."

Turning a quick corner, she saw a flipped over gurney and a face down paramedic.

Koda ran to the down body, jumping over him and coming to the locker room.

The same girl from the buses had Brett pinned, the thermocut wire burning red around his neck. "Maybe not as much as your sister, but we're working to her."

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