Chapter 27; Finale

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''Who even made this game up?" Harry asked, looking around the room gloomily.

"The party planner," Edward replied drinking his glass of wine.

"How would you know?" Alexandria replied giving Edward the evil eye.

"Like Natasha would plan anything and isn't obvious a party planner would plan games also ," he said chuckling to himself.

It sounded like he knew Natasha well, not suspicious at all.

''Do you know her personally?" I asked him, finishing my fourth glass of wine.

"Depends on what you mean by "personally."

"Eww, Edward." Alexandria said smacking his hand. Harry glared at his hand, I'm assuming he doesn't like Edward.

"Ladies and gentleman, we shall now begin the game!"

"Hey lets get closer," suggested Alexandria. We all followed her down the stairs and to a booth near the front.

The lights dimmed and I scooted closer to who I thought was Harry, but was Edward.

"Scared of the dark?" I could here the smirk on his face,ugh.

"No," I'm actually not.

"Then why are you getting closer to me."

"So I can see better, now shh. The game is about to start." I found this game a bit different, but I really want to see how this plays out!

The purple box suddenly was illuminated, so you could see a person, Alex. Natasha was sitting in the front, on a white chair.

Alex started doing some weird moves, of course Natasha first guess was wrong.

A guy that looked familiar. I don't know why, don't really remember seeing him. Went up to her and took a white band off from her leg.

"Eww, she looks like she's enjoying it."

Edward chuckled at my remark.

"What a sicko." I nodded at his statement.

"Now Mrs.Natasha who would you like to pick to go help Alex?" Mr.Microphone asked her.

Natasha looked around and her eyes landed on Edward.

"Him." I saw Edward eyes darken. This should be fun!

"Mr. Please come up here." Edward surprisingly did what they asked. So in no time he was in the purple box helping Alex.

"This is priceless. They look so stupid!" Alexandria said laughing.
Alex and Edward were, I honestly have no clue what they were doing.

"Hint; it's a film.'' Said Mr.Microphone.

"Oh!" The only film I could think of was pocohontes, loved that as a child!

"Hmm,what could it be?" Harry asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Lets think. What movie had people umm, having seizures and uh, what the heck are they doing? Someone tell them they look stupid."

Natasha was only left in her dress and 2 undergarments. 5 guys were in the purple box helping Alex.

Right now they were holding up a person and acting like they were slicing them? Then one off to the side was pointing at the 4 figures and holding up his fingers as he went. Then sliced that many.

"OOO OOHH IT'S UH CRAP WHAT WAS IT CALLED POCHAUNTS!" Finally, I'm pretty sure no one wanted to see here with less clothing on, or at least I didn't!

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