21 | ruler of the world

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Upon request of the Queen, Lily was to go straight to the Queen's quarters after dinner instead of her own.

It was a bit of an unusual request, but upon remembrance that she had spent the previous night sleeping in Rose's arms on her giant King-sized bed, a soft smile tugged at the corners of her lips and a spark instilled itself in her step. She also remembered that the conference was to be held that night, and a bit of that spark faded.

Lily was absolutely dreading the social event. She knew it was an important factor in her life—if the Queen acquired allies, she could win the war and possibly set humans free, including herself and her parents. Strangely enough, though, freedom to Lily was feeling Rose's lips glide across her body as they twisted into an elated smile against her skin. If her race was to be set free, which was something she ought not to put her hopes in, she doubted she would leave the castle. Something in her gut pulled her like a magnet to that vivacious brunette with glistening fangs and sparkling, supernatural eyes.

But it was her duty to ensure the rest of her kind was set free, that her parents would live a better life if they were even still alive, and so that Peter could go find his little sister again, and so that no human would have to live in fear of being found by the greedy creatures that stomped across all the lands of the earth.

These thoughts spun around her head as she made her way to the third floor, her bottom lip being taken between her teeth. She was not the only one whose mind was riddled with thoughts of the present and the future, the worries of war and the beginnings of battles soon to set foot on their lives. The Queen had not been fearful, so to speak, but she made every move with caution. Never had she fought a war against her own kind, and never had her throne been threatened.

She was confident that things would turn out alright, since she was the strongest, most powerful, most superior vampire of them all. There was a reason she was given the crown, and it was because her brain thought smarter, her body moved faster, her eyes saw more, her ears heard more, and her instinctual senses picked up more than anyone in the world. Her intuition was keen and so was her leadership.

Lily thought about these virtues of Rose as she gently pushed open the vampire's bedroom door, peeking in slowly as her eyes laid upon the image of Rose sitting at her vanity, holding a mascara brush up to her eyelashes and stroking upwards, not needing very much of the pasty liquid due to her immortality making her naturally beautiful in every sense. But everyone, alive or dead, could enjoy a touch of makeup even if it was unnecessary.

"Come in," said that gentle voice, like a bird softly chirping to its love in a beckoning manner. Lily's brain could not register her words at first, for she was way too focused on how Rose looked.

Although she could only see the side of her face, she was struck by how elegant and sharp her jawline looked as her head poked slightly outwards to brush the mascara onto her lashes more precisely. Her neck, like a wide, calm river, led to her jawline which dispensed out of it like a trailing river, meandering around to form her chin and then perfectly shaping out the rest of her side profile, connecting around at her chestnut hair which was pulled up into a sleek and elegant French twist. Her lips were painted crimson red, her cheekbones even further defined, looking like a raised plot of land in the middle of that river that was her silhouette. She was a work of art, the most masterfully painted painting known to man and vampire.

Her silver, slightly metallic dress made her ooze grace and majesty even more. The fabric at the chest was folded at intervals, making it look like a jagged knife had sifted through melted steel and left swift lines in its trail. The fabric straightened out towards the waist, fitting close against her skin and accentuating the deep dips in the middle of her sides, expanding outwards to form the delicious silhouette of her hips, running down like melting metal and becoming much looser as it dropped to her ankles, the fabric returning to its folded look. The open V of her chest was decorated with several golden necklaces that shimmered, the diamond, ruby, and emerald stones placed in them glinting the light that filled the mirror in front of them from the window on the adjacent wall. It was a sight to see—the different lights casting in different directions of the room, bouncing particularly off items of great wealth and luxury, all heading to a final destination which was the Queen herself.

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