Mafia after all

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Later on in the day I walked in to Coltons office because I was bored and I hadn't seen him since this morning and it was almost 4 in the afternoon now.

"Yes I'll make sure I take care of that." Colton was in the phone when I walked in but he still looked up at me wIt's a smile when I came in.

"Also I need you to find out who has been trailing us. I don't like being left in the dark Quinn." I pushed his chair so he faced me and slid my legs around him so he could hold me.

"I know you are. How is your mother doing?"

I find it nice seeing this caring side of Colton it was definitely something I wanted to see more of.

"That's good to hear. I will send a basket to her and for you guys. I'll see you soon." He hung his phone up but sat up to continue to do work.

"So is mafia work all you do?" He chuckled as he worked on some paperwork that was in front of him. I just played with his hair waiting for an answer.

"No I do own my own business to. And a few hotels here and there." I pulled back to look at him.

"Where is here and there?" I asked clearly amused.

"A few in Italy some in Las Vegas and some in New York."

"Oh just a few here and there." I mocked him seeing a smile spread to his face.

His phone went off and it slowly turned to a frown.

"I have to take this. It's about a meeting in Las Vegas I have in a few days."

"Ok" I went to get up but he held me down by my waist keeping me where I was.

"I didn't say I wanted you to get up." Always demanding...

After almost an hour of him being on the phone I got bored. I had played with every thing that was on his desk and even made a few paper planes that were scattered across his floor now.

I turned back to him as he talked and pouted. He gave me an apologetic look and mouthed 15 more minutes to me. That only pissed me off more. I knew he wasn't going to let me get up now.

A smile creeped up to me face as I got an idea and started to slide down his legs. He tried to grab me but I got down to my knees and looked up at him as I sat under his desk.

Colton tried to pull me back to his lap but he stopped when my hands ran up his legs to his belt buckle. I saw him clench his jaw nice and tight as he tried to think of his actions and his words to who ever was on the phone.

"Yes that sounds good." Colton said hard but to the person on the phone they wouldn't know why he all the sudden was like that.

I smirked as I continued to pull the zipper down on his pants and soon he popped out.

I let out a little gasp as I realize three things. One what I was doing exactly, two he was that hard right now and three...I had absolutely now idea what I was doing.

Well now or never am I right?

As I moved my lips down I felt Colton grip my hair and it made me moan a little.

As I did my work I looked up to him and saw him trying to hold back.

"I'm gonna have to call you back." Colton hissed into the phone before he hung up fast throwing his phone down.

"Not a nice trick baby." He hissed as he waited for me to go on. I had to hold back a smile that wanted to leave my lips.

As I continued I heard moans coming from him and couldn't believe I was actually able to do that. But as so as I thought I was going to be over that door popped open.

Colton grabbed me pulling me away from him with a pop putting me on his desk while he fixed himself.

"Axle!" He hissed pulling me to him as Axle walked in with a big thing of flowers and a big smirk on his face. He knew what was going on and made me so much more embarrassed. But how did he?

"Sorry sir I just though I would come in and give this gift to the lady as it's for her." Axle laughed putting the flowers down in front of us both.

"Thank you Axle you are excused."

"Your very welcome bro." Axle took two steps and turned back and started making little moaning sounds. I shot up and went to go after him but Colton held me down as he ran out the room.

"Don't worry I'll get him back for that." Colton chuckled.

"Now let's see what we have here." He pulled the flowers closer to me and I found the note opening it up.

My guess it was from mom and dad or maybe even Ash but I wasn't ready for what I saw.

"Your little fun and games will not last for ever. Hope Colton holds you close tonight because it could be the last time he does. Xxxx"

Colton ripped the letter out of my hand and looked at it closely.

I felt fear rise up in me as I slowly leaned closer to Colton. What did that mean? Did it mean I was going to die? Or was Colton going to get hurt. I could have that and it scared me so bad.

Colton picked up his phone and called someone while looked at the door as my thoughts crowded my mind.

"Quinn we just got a threat. I want you and Red here in the morning."

I thought about my parents and how they were left in the dark about this all. I wanted to know that they were ok and my brothers to.

"It was for Ruby!" He hissed making me jump a little bit I still couldn't take my eyes off the wall.

"No were not going anywhere tonight I'm locking all of us in here and making sure we're ready if something does happen."

If something does what?

Colton hung up his phone and forced me to turn and face him. He cupped my face in his hands and made me look to him.

"I won't let anyone hurt you." He said trying to calm my fears.

"I know." I smiled but on the inside I wanted to run and hide. This almost didn't feel real

but I knew it was. It was the mafia after all.

The Mafia's Weakness Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora