December 8th

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I could feel my social battery was completely empty when I woke up at eleven again. I knew this was going to be a day-at-home type of day. No going out for any reason unless I was going to say a minimum amount of words. Plus, I didn't really want to risk my luck in avoiding Ethan and end up running into him.

After having a quick breakdown during my shower, once I got up, I threw on some of my baggiest sweatpants and a hoodie. I was going to be as comfy as possible today because I was going to leave. Once I finished my routine, I saw Alice making lunch, and Ronnie was getting ready for something. It was unusual to see Ronnie awake this early on the weekends.

"You're up early," I said to Ronnie as I threw my dirty laundry into my hamper. I was going to have to do that today.

"Yeah, I have a sorority Christmas thing," She said. She was finishing her makeup and trying to find an outfit that worked for what she was required to wear. "And, of course, I'm running late." Ronnie never seemed to be on time when she needed to be.

I laughed, "Have fun." She made sure she had everything before running out the door. I joined Alice in the kitchen for lunch. I made myself pizza rolls before sitting down next to her.

"What are your plans for today?" Alice asked.

"Homework, laundry, and probably cleaning my room. I don't plan on leaving the apartment," I said. Alice didn't look surprised at my statement. I was very much a homebody. "What about you?"

"I'm going to the library to study for a little bit. Then I have to meal prep since this week is going to have a lot of long nights," She said.

Prep week is the worst. The week before finals is when all clubs, sports, and activities are done for the rest of the semester so students can prepare for finals. However, professors don't get the memo. They like to do any last-minute assignments, quizzes, and exams that week while we are trying to relearn a semester's worth of knowledge. Prep week was originally called dead week because the campus was dead after classes were over, but it was also because all of the students were dead on the inside. However, at one point, they felt like it was an inappropriate term, so the student government changed it to prep week.

"We are so close, yet so far," I whined. This is literally the worst part of the year. The break is so close, but it is still so far away. I just want to go home, see my mom, and sleep in the comfort of my own bed. Is that too much to ask for?

"Two weeks and then we are done," Alice agreed. These two stressful weeks cause a lot of breakdowns and crying. I hate it because we have to handle it in our own ways. Alice stays up until late at the library studying. Ronnie goes off to study somewhere else, so she doesn't get distracted. Layla sometimes stays; otherwise, she goes to a study room somewhere. I stay at the apartment, so I don't have to carry everything with me and break my back. Plus, I could pace the apartment if I needed to. It is hard to see one another because we all have different ways of studying.

While Alice and I were eating lunch, Layla came out of her room and headed straight for the Keurig to make herself some coffee. I couldn't tell if she just woke up or never went to bed. Both were valid options for Layla, especially if she had something major going on in one class.

"You look dead," I said.

"I feel it," Layla said as she brought her cup of coffee to the island. She stood across from me, leaning against the island. "I spent all last night working on a project that was due at ten this morning."

"Who the fuck has a project due at ten in the morning on a Sunday?"

"One of my accounting professors. They wanted to ensure no one had fun this weekend because they wanted this project done right before dead week."

"And you waited until last night to do it?" Alice asked.

Layla let out a small laugh, "Did you expect me to work on it before the night it was due? It is like you don't know me at all."

"A procrastinator at their finest. A mood," I chuckled.

Alice rolled her eyes, saying, "I worry about you two."

"No one asked you to," I said, a little more aggressive than I meant to.

"Well, damn," Layla said as she grabbed her coffee.

"I don't like you," Alice said, sticking her tongue out at me. I stuck my tongue out in reply. She knew I was going even though it sounded meaner than I intended. She understood that I had had a rough time since Friday. Alice knows when I mean things and when I don't.

"I have to go if I want to get any studying done," Alice said as she placed her plate in the sink. She went to her room for a few minutes before returning with a full backpack. "See you losers later." She was gone out of the door.

Once Alice had left, Layla asked, "So what do you have planned for today?"

"A day at home, pretending to be productive but in reality avoiding my true responsibilities," I said with a shrug. "Speaking of which, do you need to do laundry? I was going to do mine, but I can wait if you need to do yours."

"Nah, I'm going to wait until I go home for break to do my laundry."

"I would, but I'm pretty sure my father would kill me if I came back with three weeks' worth of laundry. So instead, he is getting two weeks' worth of laundry," I said, causing Layla to laugh out loud.

We sat quietly for a few moments when Layla asked, "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course," I answered.

"What are you going to do about Ethan?" She asked. I looked down at my empty plate, wishing I had more pizza rolls so I could shove them into my mouth to avoid the question. "From what you've told me, he isn't going away anytime soon or at least until the end of the semester. Are you going to try and avoid him, or are you going to listen to his story?"

I sighed, "I really don't know."

"I think you should hear him out at least about Friday. Maybe the girl was just a friend or a sister or something."

"Maybe, but what if it wasn't."

"You won't find out until you talk to him."

"I guess you're right," I said. "I should also apologize to Ethan for being a little rude."

Layla let out a laugh, "Girl, you did the respectable thing. He deserved you being a little rude if he was asking you out while being with another girl."

"That's true. Girls have to stick together," I stated.

"Men can't always be trusted."

"Amen to that."

The two of us started laughing before going to pretend to get our lives together.

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