18: Pride and Prejudice

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For whatever reason, I was an empty desk to Alex this week

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For whatever reason, I was an empty desk to Alex this week. He shot in and out of class like his chair was a cannon. I cornered Jake in the car after practice, but all he offered was a worthless grunted, "No." He should have been more excited after winning his home game opener in a one-sided slaughter. Santa Cruz took the lead in the first five minutes over Seaside, but Jake was a major grumpus when he came home and slammed his door. He snored through that same door when I had to leave this morning, so I let him sleep in and got a ride from Harper.

Harper debated getting proof of whether or not Jake could read but peeled out of the parking lot with smoke behind her tires. I couldn't have paid her to stay, and Jake was... still not here. Shocker. Guess I was off the party hook. Thankfully, Alex was back to his more relaxed self. Our feet padded over gray cement floors as we weaved between metal bookshelves under three-story ceilings.

The question of what bothered Alex rose, but I didn't want to ruin his grin at me over his stack of books. "I think we're all set."

I nodded and hugged my haul to my stomach. "For now."

Surrounded by the comfort of quiet, paper-scented air, we walked to the checkout desk. Two women worked there, one older and another our age. She leaned over and handed a bookmark to the kid ahead of us. Long auburn strands slipped over her shoulders, which she brushed back and waved us over.

I nodded at Alex, so he set down his books first.

"Hi," she said in a quiet, library-perfect voice. Her revered hush was a pleasant whisper. Up close, light freckles dotted her cheeks. "Is this all?"

Alex smiled and handed over his card. "Yes, please."

The library carnival sign near Alex's elbow caught my attention. "Hey, what's this?"

"Annual fundraiser," she answered while she scanned his books. "This year we hope to replace the computers."

I pulled out my phone because these details were... Yep, event four overlapped with the dates on the sign. Advertising here made sense, except for one aspect. "Why is it sponsored by Seaside High?"

Highlighted by golden flecks, her amber eyes were so much prettier than my dark browns. "Because we're their loaner library while theirs is under construction."

"Ahh, okay."

She pushed Alex's books to him, who grabbed them with a smile. "Thank you."

"Of course," she said in that hesitant, meek voice. With quick hands, she scanned my card and duplicates of 1984, The Catcher in the Rye, and To the Lighthouse. "English Lit?"

"Book club," Alex answered. "You're welcome to join us. Always room for reading enthusiasts."

"I...Tend to prefer more, umm, contemporary books." With a wry smile and pink cheeks, she whispered, "The umm, ... saucy ones."

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