cigarettes p.t. 1-harrison

529 10 3

I told your mama that you'd be in by ten
Well Susie baby looks like we goofed again

"Margaret! If I have to march in there and get you myself-"

Please don't say it.

Maggie appeared in the doorway of her bedroom, clad in the Mary Jane's she never wore. Her body itched with the outfit she had on, her hair pulled back on her head tight enough to make her see stars and for the entirety of the time (so far) she wished to be in pajamas, relaxing in bed like she normally was nowadays. But oh no, that wasn't the case. It's Allie's birthday.

She turns 17 today.

When they got to the Cavern, it was dimmed inside. Or, at least it looked it because of the amount of people. Music boomed throughout the underground club, music that was hard not to dance too. Allie led her through the crowd to the bar, where she crossed her arms on the top as she motioned for the bartender.

"Two gin and tonic, please." Allie stated proudly when the lady reached the counter. She'd complain that was something she always wanted to try.

The bartender looked her up and down. "Id?" she snarled.

Allie proudly reached into her back pocket to grab her wallet, ready to flash her brand new license with the date telling the lady today was her first day to be introduced to drinking. She paused, looked at Maggie, the bartender, and felt around her pockets some more.

"I must've forgotten it at home," she said.

The bartender scoffed, shaking her blonde hair out of her face. "Then ye can't drink 'ere, simple. Now scram."

"You don't need to be so rude about it," Maggie said, turning to leave while having ahold of Allie's arm.

Displeased with the ungrateful bartender, the two navigated their way past the crowd and outside. Allie leaned against the side of the building, sliding down the wall and tucking her head against her knees. Maggie joined her, copying her actions to sit beside the weeping girl.

"Today was supposed to be special for us," she whispered through her tears. "A moment to remember."

"There's always tomorrow," Maggie assured while rubbing circles along her back. "I promise. Then it'll be super official, being old enough for a day and all."

Allie nodded, wiping her hand on her sleeve. "You're right," she admitted, straightening up. "Let's come back tomorrow."

The two girls began making their way home, Maggie trying her best to make Allie laugh (and she did, like always). They made small conversation before halting at the sound of voices. Loud voices coming from around the corner.

Allie looked at Maggie, and she began to slowly make her way down the wall to the edge to have a peek.

"Allie!" Maggie hissed.

Allie turned her head around the corner slowly, fixing her eyes on three lads blowing smoke from the cracks in their lips. One perched his foot against the wall, a guitar resting next to him and he was the first to look over at them. Brown eyes, brown hair, pointed nose and thin lips. Maggie had seen him on the streets before with girls from school. His buddies looked much more put together than he did.

"Ay, look at the talent," he pointed the two out, nodding his head over which made the other two boys stare at them. They felt better to step around the wall so the boys could see them properly, and the first boy's eyes widened at the sight of them.

"Dainty, are we?"

"Have you got a ciggy?" Maggie regretted it as soon as the words left her mouth, Allie giving her a slight kick to the shin. No, they won't give you a ciggy you twat! "We've just run out."

It was true. She had run out of cigarettes last night when she smoked the last of them while her mother and her were fighting. But no! They wouldn't give her a cigarette even if she wanted one.

The three boys looked between each other and she studied their faces like paintings. One with big hazel eyes and eyelashes that looked as if they'd been brushed a million times with a mascara wand. Soft lips and a round face. The other had thicker eyebrows with clearly noticeable bottom lashes and plump lips. Each boy's hair was curled into a quiff, and they each had a cigarette hanging from their mouth.

The big eyed boy took a drag before nodding to the other. "Go on, George. Let the poor birds 'ave one."

The smaller one dug in his jacket a bit, leaving the girls standing there, completely dumbfounded, waiting for cigarettes they didn't want.

When he finally pulled two out of his pocket, he smiled at Maggie and handed them to her. "Need a  light, love?"

"No. Thanks though."

They began to depart, Maggie noticing Allie had more of a sway in her hips. She did see her make eye contact with the dream boy that she could've sworn had mascara on. Then she remembered the boy who gave them cigarettes-how uncontrollably cute he was. She'd seen them before, they'd played a few gigs at the club in downtown Liverpool a few weeks back. She remembered watching him with admiration that she couldn't ignore. Her heart ached when he smiled his toothy smile, and she tried her best to ignore it when they went up.

Okay, yes, maybe the bifter skit was to have a chance to speak to them, but that's beside the point. She was happy.

"Where're you's going?" The girls stopped in their tracks, eyes widening as the boys continued talking to them.

"Planning to go back to the club, thanks," Allie snarked back at the boy leaning against the wall. Maggie's insides curled, I thought we were going home-"Not like you would care."

"I don't," he admitted. "Just wanted to know if yer going a place that arse can fit."

He started snickering, the two boys next to him standing in silence. They looked ashamed, and she automatically knew this happened a lot, one of them taking over while the other two stand with their heads hung.

"Was that supposed to do something?" Allie asked, pushing her hair behind her ear. "Or did you do it to make yourself feel good?"

He didn't stop laughing, but he answered. "Calm yer tits, sweetheart. It's nothing to worry about. Now scram before I change my mind."

Both girls scoffed, turning away and they began making their way to the club yet again. Maggie was distraught-she'd always thought the boys in the town were rude, but not as rude as him. She figured he did it for attention, which enough of it he got from the girls in town, but part of her thought he did it to get a laugh out of himself. Something told her he didn't do much of that on his own.

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