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This is bad. Leo is arrested. Leo is arrested. Leo is fucking arrested and I'm loosing my damn mind. I hate that my boyfriend is arrested and all I am doing is sitting here in a tiny interrogation room. The cops had brought me in for questioning too. I refused to speak unless I had a lawyer with me. Fortunately for me, Alex was in Trinity. He arrived as soon as he heard about it. He sat next to her during the interrogation.

"How do you know Leo Moretti?" The officer asked.

"He is my boyfriend."

"How did the two of you meet?"

"I was planning his sister Gabriella's wedding. That was how we met."

"And you started dating during that time?"


"So at that time, were you aware of any illegal activities your boyfriend Leo might've been in?"

I glanced at Alex and he gave me a slight nod. He had instructed me how to answer properly. As long as I denied, I'd be safe.

"Leo wasn't in any illegal activities. He is a businessman."

"So I'll take that you aren't aware?"

I neither said yes nor no. Alex had told me that when it came to interrogation, no response is better than saying something vague. The officers would try and get out as much information as possible out of me. But, I had to stand my ground and not let them pry off unwanted information from me as it could seriously hurt Leo's case.

"I'm certain Leo was not into any illegal activity."

The officer laid out certain pictures of Leo along with some people. I had no clue who were they but I figured those shady looking people were some of his associates.

"What does these pictures tell you?"

"Leo is talking to someone. What is that supposed to prove? Why is he even brought here?"

"You see Miss Anand. Your boyfriend is a don of the Moretti crime syndicate. We have an informant who claims he has evidence to convict your boyfriend."

I glanced at Alex. He said, "Do you even have a valid reason to hold my client or are you just badgering her?"

"She is related to Leo Moretti."

"So am I." Alex said. "He is my cousin, maybe you should hold me too along with every person Leo has ever talked to."

"Anyway, what were you doing with him?"

"We were on a date."

The officer rolled his eyes. "Miss Anand, if you do find something please make sure to let us know."

"I will." I said.

"Now if you will excuse us. I need to see my other client." He said

"Are you okay, Meg?" He asked.

I barely nodded. To be honest, this was all a little too much for me. Watching Leo being taken by the police was really a bit shocking. I know I should've expected this, I was dating a gangster after all. But, even then it was a bit upsetting.

"Do you want to see Leo?" He asked. "I can pull some strings and make it happen."

"Please I want to see him."

Alex talked to someone and then took me to the room where Leo was being held. I saw him, in handcuffs. It pained my heart so much.

"I'm so sorry for this." Leo said.

I wanted to hug him so bad. I couldn't believe how sweet he was. He was the one who was caught and he was concerned about me? This was how he always was, it annoyed me sometimes at how selfless he could be. He would take care of everyone so much that sometimes he forgot about himself. It frustrated me that he wouldn't look after himself at the same time it was what made me like him even more.

"How are you? Why did they catch you? What is happening?"

"Honestly, I don't know. We had an arrangement with cops, I don't know why this happened. But if my theory is correct, someone snitched." Leo looked at Alex, "We need to warn Nico."

"I did call him up." Alex said. "He said he would come to the house."

"Take Meg and everyone else to the house." Leo said. "Make sure our house is well-protected. I have a feeling this is war."

"You think DeLucas?" Alex asked.

Leo nodded a yes.

Okay, it is just a mafia gang war, no biggie. Who was I kidding? I am freaking out. Leo is in jail and all of us are caught in a gang war... and here I thought that the worst I'd have to face in life was a bride's confessing his love to her just moments before her wedding. Our situation was bleak, no doubt. But I wasn't going to sit back and let it happen. Leo and I found our way through tough situations. We can deal with this too.

"What can we do?" I asked.

"You just stay safe for me. And don't do anything reckless, okay?" He said.

I nodded a yes... It was just for his satisfaction. Honestly though, he should know me better. I would definitely do something reckless if it means getting him out of jail or solving the problem.

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