new stories

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i started THREE new stories today guys- im really exited about one of them because i already have a plot line and stuff. the other two im exited about because one of them will be like my diary type of thing (no im not a druggie or suicidal or anorexic so dont worry if its in the diary) and the other is the first in a series.

The Training- series, book one of three

Diary of a Teenage Girl- diary (clearly)


No Time to Explain, Get in the Van- plan made

i also started this so i can keep you guys updated on new stories and when i will be updating what, as well as so you can comment and ask me questions about my life or my stories, and so you can talk to me about all my stories in one place:)

next chapter updates:
on this story- today, will be about my life

on #teenage tragedy- today

on the training- tomorrow

on diary of a teenage girl- today

on no time to explain, get in the van- today

on disney ever after- tomorrow, but if i dont get comments on it im gonna take it down

on after war: divergent- tomorrow, but if i dont get comments on it im gonna take it down

thank you readers, i love you all so much! please be active:) will update the ones i said later, BUT...

please remember just because i say i will update today or update tomorrow does not mean that will for sure happen, dont get mad if it doesnt please.

love you all,

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