online school story thing

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Read the titleee

So context, I just finished a Google Meet with my P.E class and 2 people (mostly 1) were spamming the chat with emojis. They weren't stopping so I decided to step in and scream, all caps lock n stuff

It was a bfb reference because I'm like that



JUST SHUT UP AND LISTEN, [The one who was mostly doing it's name]"

But here's the thing

After that I got many 'lols' and stuff from them, 😂 emojis and stuff.

I kept saying shut up until I got this message (or what he meant, the grammar was almost Indecipherable) 

"Stop sending bad words!" 

And another from someone else

"Ya the principals are gonna see this"

I was confused, no one had sworn in the chat or anything like that.

And then I realised

They were taking about me, telling them to shut up.

Me: "Shut up isn't a rude word???"

The one who was mostly doing it (I'll call him Two, because he's annoying): "Yeah it is"

Someone else: "yea ur gonna get in trouble cause the principal sees this!" 

At this point, I am extremely confused. Shut up hasn't been a bad word since first grade, and we all use it on a day to day basis. 

Me: "no it's not??? We all use it??"

Two: "I haven't" (which is a complete lie because I've heard him say it, and much worse)

Other: "Neither have I" (can't say the same about him because I haven't met him yet, he transferred this year and I never got to meet him)

At the end of the meet I went on a message group chat and told him he shouldn't of been spamming and that shut up is not a rude word. I got a mixed bag of replies from other people. Some were along the lines of "The principals will think it's rude" or "well it's not very nice" and someone who didn't even know what was going on, but some agreed that it's not bad (mostly my friends Audiecat and MHADekuFan1) and the one guy who didn't know what was going on. 

Anyway, idk why everyone thought the principals would care if I said shut up, what are they even gonna do send me home lol. There were also a lot of people trying to shift the blame to me and other people by saying "You're replying so you're using the chat too" which is true but we're talking about 'that' group of people. I find it hard to believe they'll stop if we ignore them. If anything they'll keep going.

Anyway so how's your online school experience going?

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