Ch.24 Dinner with Rick and Eliza

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' long have you five been here?" Hiccup asked "we've been here for quite a while long have you guys been on dragons edge?" Dak said "we've been on dragons edge for about three months" Fishlegs said "what's it like there?" Winger asked but my mom translated it "it's actually quite a thrill most of the time we're exploring looking for new dragons and other times we're trying to help free captive dragons from dragon hunters" Dagur said causing my mom to flinch "I got captured by them before...and that's when I met hibiki...apparently were-dragons sell for about five crowns on the black market...but the good thing was that do to how rare it is to capture one nobody would buy a were-dragon which is good" Hana said before i came back "hey son...who did you save this time?" Hibiki asked before looking at the picture that was in my claws and immediately recognized her "y-you saved La llorona?" Hibiki asked "I did..." I said proudly "la llorona?" Hiccup asked before I explained to them who la llorona was " that's tough..." Astrid said "yeah...but she still wants revenge on her husband that abandoned her that I will so gladly do for her" I said before making a quick trip to where Maria's ex-husband was and when I got there I turned into my human form and put on a costume posing as a travelling beggar "I'll be right back honey" Maria's ex said before opening the door only to see a beggar at his door "can I help you?" Maria's ex said "sir I need a place to stay for the night...I've lost my home and everything else with it...I've tried all the other houses but they was full...please sir...just let me stay for the night and I'll be out of hair the next morning" I said in a gravely voice before his wife came to the door and saw the beggar "your all skin and bones sweetie...come here" said the wife "we're not letting him stay for the night...I don't trust him" Maria's ex said "do you see the condition he's in...he will stay the night..." the wife said "fine..." Maria's ex grumbled but he gave the beggar a death glare "if you try anything sketchy I will kill you" Maria's ex said but there was no response from the beggar.

At dinner the woman handed the beggar a plate of baked chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, corn kernels, and peas (FOR THOSE WHO GOT HUNGRY READING THAT LITTLE BIT...SUFFER!😈😈😈) but the husband wasn't pleased by it "thank you return you have my blessing may no evil spirits harm you in anyway, shape or form" the beggar said "thank you kind sir...I love to help others in my town...people call me a freak for helping those such as yourself...and even call me crazy for helping the mentally insane but you don't see a scratch on me now do ya?" The woman said causing the beggar to laugh a rich, hearty laugh "I never caught your name by the way...what is it?" The beggar asked "my name is Eliza...and my husband's name is Rick" Eliza said "the name's trevor...and can you come close a little bit eliza?" Trevor asked before eliza came closer and he whispered something in her ear "I came here to execute Rick...have you heard of La llorona?" Trevor asked "I have yes...and from what I heard she was able to find her two sons that was thrown into the river before she killed herself..." Eliza said "don't tell Rick this but my real name is imo...I'm just wearing a disguise to throw off rick...and I've heard rick speaking rumors about your cooking...he said it tasted like rotten flesh" i said causing her to jolt up from me and look at Rick in disbelief "you think my cooking is bad?" Eliza asked "of course not Trevor is saying lies you hear me Lies!" Rick said "says the man who made Marina kill her two little boys by the river" Eliza said before getting up "thank you for your hospitality Eliza" Trevor said before Eliza winked at me (A/N NOT WHAT YOU THINK YOU PERVS) "your welcome trevor...and please come back soon" Eliza said "trust me I will" Trevor said "and eliza correct...your food was simply tasted like a golden exlir one of which I never tried before, the chicken melted when it was in my mouth...the spices of the mashed potatoes...the corn...was so-so but it was good without a doubt...just well done eliza...well done indeed" Trevor said "at least someone likes my cooking" Eliza said before turning her back on Rick "whatever...I never loved you anyway" Rick said and when Eliza heard it, it hit her as if she was punched in the chest "so...all of those gifts you gave me was for nothing?" Eliza asked trying to hide her tears "I only did that to gain your love and affection for me" Rick said "you deserve to die in that river just like marina, your previous wife before you left her for me" Eliza said 'now you know how I felt back then eliza' Marina said and Eliza heard her "please ladies...allow me" I said before I took off my disguise and revealed my true form none of which either rick nor Eliza had seen before

*Eliza's POV*

'I've heard of them in stories told by villagers around town when I was little and I've always wanted to see one but I never knew they was real let alone be this close to one' I thought to myself "you've hurt to many people you must pay the have two options, the first one is to leave this village and never return or die...what will it be?" Imo asked rick but he never responded "you'll be put up for treason if you kill me I'm the most popular man in this town" Rick said grabbing a knife from the counter "people only like you for your money...they absolutely hate you rick...I went around the village and asked who they hated the most in this village and they hate you because of obvious reasons..." I said before Rick threw the knife at imo and it hit him in the shoulder causing imo to roar in pain but i covered my ears "are you ok?" Eliza asked me "i'm will pay for that rick" Imo said before me lunged at rick and had him in my jaws where he trying to hurt me so that imo could drop him but to no avail and that's when I heard the gratifying sound of a spine breaking and the glorious liquid colored a deep crimson red pooled out from Imo's jaws "I have some more friends back can come with me if you want to" Imo said after cleaning himself up "I'd love to imo...and may i?"I asked "'ve never seen a were-dragon before have you?" Imo asked me "no...I've heard of them in stories told by the elder of the village...she said that they brought curses to those who'd encounter them" I said "you don't see me casting any curses now do ya?" Imo asked causing me to laugh "I guess not" Eliza said before scratching me behind the ears causing me to purr "struck a nerve did i?" Eliza asked jokingly "no you didn't...come on I'm sure everyone's waiting for me to get back home" Imo said before we both left the house I got on his back and the two of us flew off into the night sky with Marina and her two kids following us close behind.

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