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"SHE IS ABSOLUTELY GOING to love this." Echo smiled, looking at the house that she, Carlisle, Alice, Jasper, and Emmett had all built for Edward and Bella. She turned around and grabbed Carlisle's hand, giving him a quick kiss before speeding down the path with him, stopping only when the house was in view. Jasper and Alice jumped down from a tree, sharing a kiss before entering the home.

Bella, who had been watching them, turned when Alice walked up to her. Echo noticed the wolf lying on the couch, waking up suddenly at the sound of Alice's voice.

"Happy birthday." Alice smiled.

"I stopped aging three days ago." Bella responded.

"Well, we're celebrating anyway. So suck it up." Alice says before handing the girl a key. Echo held out her hand for Bella to take before leading her and Edward up the path towards the house.

"I still hate surprises. That hasn't changed." Bella mumbled. Echo smirked.

"I wonder who you get that from." Echo stated, earning a small amused smile from Bella. "Trust me though, you'll like this one." They continued to walk until the house came into view. Echo smiled at the couple before saying, "Welcome home. We thought you guys might like a place of your own."

"What do you think?" Edward asked, smiling at his wife.

"I think it's perfect." Bella smiled before looking at her sister. Echo nodded her head towards the home.

"Go inside." Echo's hand dropped from her sisters when Edward grabbed Bella's hand in his own. Echo smirked at the couple. "Have fun you two." Bella turned her head and offered Echo a smile to which Echo nodded back. Echo quickly sped off back toward the Cullen household and walked in with a small smile. Rosalie looked over at her from where she was holding Renesmee and gestured toward the child.

Echo smiled before walking up to the blonde and gently taking her niece from her arms. The little girl cooed up at her aunt and made Echo's smile widen. Rosalie sent Echo one last smile before walking out of the room. The child was tired, and Echo could tell that from the small and adorable yawn that fell from her mouth. Echo started to hum a small tune to the girl, gently rocking her as to lull her to sleep. Making her way to the couch, Echo gently laid the child down and sat down on the other side of the couch, watching her sleep.

Carlisle entered the room and smiled softly at the two. Echo turned her head when she felt someone else's presence in the room. She sent Carlisle a soft smile as she slowly stood up off the couch. She looked over at the sleeping babe then turned her head back to Carlisle. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she wrapped her own gently around his neck. He leaned down and gave his mate a gentle kiss.

"What's on your mind?" Echo softly asked, keeping her voice low so as to not wake the child. She searched Carlisle's golden eyes that were filled with something Echo couldn't exactly decipher. When she realized his hesitancy, her eyebrows furrowed. "Carlisle, you can tell me anything, you know that."

"I know, I just don't know if asking you this is the right time." He whispered back to the girl. Echo cocked her head to the side.

"I'm sure now is going to be the best time you're going to get, seeing as everything is calm at the moment. Knowing our luck, something shitty is bound to happen." Echo told him, a small smile on her face. Carlisle chuckled lightly before looking back at Echo. He let out a soft sigh before nodding his head to himself.

"I guess here goes nothing then, right?"

"Here goes nothing." Echo nodded with a small smile.

"Echo Elanora Swan. For the short amount of time that I've known you, I couldn't help but fall for you more and more everyday. Even if there wasn't a mate bond, I wouldn't be able to not fall for you. From your sarcastic comments, to protectiveness over your family and those you love. You amaze me more and more everyday. And I love you so much for it. And I want to spend the rest of my immortal life with you. I know you're not ready for marriage, but I was thinking maybe would could take the next step closer to it. So," Echo watched as the vampire that she had come to adore got down on one knee. A hand was placd over her mouth and her eyes were glossed over. "will you, Echo Swan, do me the honor of making me the happiest immortal alive and marry me?"

Echo thought that she wasn't ready, but seeing Carlisle on one knee, a velvet box opened in his hand that held a gorgeous diamond ring inside, she couldn't help but smile widely at this. she nodded her head consistently. "Yes. Of course!" Carlisle stood up, placing the ring on her finger and kissing her passionately. A smile was on both of vampires faces.

"Thank god!" The two broke apart at the sound of Emmett's voice. "Took you two long enough." Rosalie, Jasper, Alice, and Emmett were all standing there with smiles on their faces.

"I can't wait to have a new mother!" Alice smiled before running into the room and throwing her arms around Echo. Echo let out a small chuckle as she hugged the fairy-like girl back. Alice removed herself as Rosalie walked up to Echo. A smile covered the blonde's face.

"I'll finally have someone else to talk to that isn't always so happy-go-lucky." Rosalie said, though she was joking. She hugged Echo tightly. "I'm happy for you, E."

"My turn. Move over babe." Emmett called. Rosalie pulled away and rolled her eyes causing Echo to let out a laugh. Emmett hugged the girl tightly. Emmett removed himself just as Jasper walked up to her. "Maybe you can teach us the ways of an assassin, give Jasper a run from his money."

Echo shrugged before looking at Jasper. "I'm down for that." Jasper smirked at the girl before giving her a quick hug. "May the best soldier win."

Jasper chuckled lightly at the woman as he nodded his head in agreement with her words, accepting the challenge.

"Alright, let's give the newly engaged their privacy." Alice piped up before grabbing Jasper's hand and leaving the room, Emmett and Rosalie following after them. Echo looked down at the ring, smiling with admiration. She looked back up to Carlisle, a wide smile covering her face. The two exchange laughs from the actions of the Cullen children before embracing each other into a passionate kiss. When they pulled away, Echo smiled up at her now fiancé.

"I love you, Carlisle." Echo softly whispered. Carlisle smiled back at the girl.

"I love you too. E."

1,160 words

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1,160 words

Authors note: MY HEART ISFDJFJEI.🥺 Also, I just finished OUAT and can't stop crying. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk🙃

I hope you all enjoyed! Stay safe! Until next time, bye my loves!♥️


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