Chicken Nugget

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WTF why did this get so popular on here all of a sudden 😂 It's been on this site for a hot minute and all of a sudden I go to check and I have all of these notifications. 

Not that i'm complaining though, I'm happy I can spread the love of our beloved adorable baby UA characters, as well as the smexy teachers that deserve more love. So without further ado, here's the next chapter! <3

You felt warm. Incredibly warm. You let out a small groan as your eyelids started to flutter, the familiar ceiling of your bedroom meeting your blurring eyes before the soft sound of snoring filled your ears.

Hm. It looked as though you had two personal heaters for the night. You smiled in relief, your left hand petting messy green locks while your right combed through snowy blue. You had a kid on either side of you, their faces resting against your chest while their tiny hands wrapped over your waist, giving you a half hug as they slept soundly. You didn't stir at all during your slumber, and as you looked at your window and saw a light glow through your heavy drapes, you assumed you had been resting for a long time.

Should you wake them up? You smiled lovingly down at their calm and peaceful faces, their soft breathing and Tenko's snoring lulling your eyelids to shut once more.

No, you wouldn't. You decided you wanted to stay like this for just a bit longer.


The next time you awoke, the first thing you saw were crimson and green eyes.

"Mama!" Izuku cried, fat tears trailing down his chubby face as he swan dived into a hug. Tenko's eyes narrowed slightly in annoyance, since Izuku was now resting on your chest with his arms around your neck, blocking him from hugging you as well.

"Aw my sweet baby boys!~" You cooed with a smile, quickly shifting so you were now sitting up. You flinched immediately as you started to move, your sore muscles and injured arm screaming in protest as you propped yourself up against your headboard. Still, you ignored the pain, and kept one arm wrapped around Izuku while you awkwardly maneuvered yourself, quickly pulling Tenko into the hug as well. You kissed both of them all over their faces, their heads, their cheeks, squeezing them in an embrace while Izuku laughed and Tenko stuttered.

"I missed you both so so much!" You cried with a smile, ignoring the two salty tears that already dripped down your face. Your heart was still overflowing with relief as your kids sat soundly and safely in your arms, not a scratch on them. You had been worried sick that something might have happened while you were being pursued, but as you looked at their sparkly eyes and tear stained faces, the only thing that affected them was their worry for you.

"I just wanna squeeze you and kiss you and hug you, which is what i'm gonna do right now!"

"T-that's what you have been d-doing!"

"Your right, and nothings gonna stop me now Tenten!"


"Mhm!" You smiled as you kissed the top of his head, burrowing your own in between his and Izuku's as you snuggled with your kids. You hummed in delight while Izuku gave a squeaky laugh, Tenko just smiling slightly as he fluttered his eyelids closed, burrowing into your warmth once more.

"Hey, wheres Atsumi hm?" You questioned Izuku, who gave you a bright smile in response.

"Oniisan is in the living room with papa!" You let out a strangled choke as you coughed harshly, ignoring the screams and cries of your muscles as you gathered both children in your arms and sprinted to the living room in a wild frenzy.

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