Bonus Chapter 8 The End

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She went towards her room angrily.

She started packing her bag.

Annie came to her room and saw her packing her bags.

"Celine why are you packing your bags. Just wait for my brother to come back and talk with him you may have mistaken" she said.

"No Annie, I can't be a home wrecker. I saw how pitiful she is with her child. She must have resented me. I unknowingly broke a happy family. I saw her in my dream too with Nate" she said crying.

"Did my brother accept that he has another family" Annie asked little angrily.

"No" Celine said confused. Her anger cooled down a little.

"See... We never ever seen him hold hands with another woman. How do you think he will have a family if he can't even hold hand with other women. " She asked. This made Celine more confused.

"You are the only woman he can touch. I think somebody is messing with you. Now tell me how did she look like" Annie asked.

Celine described her. Annie signed. She took her phone and showed her the picture of Ava from internet.

"Is this the lady you meet" Annie asked.

"Yes she is the one. How do you know her" Celine asked

"She wanted to mate with my brother and merge our packs but my brother refused for choosen mate and waited for you" Annie said sadly.

"What is pack and you mentioned mate...." Celine asked her.

"Sorry.... It's like she want to marry my brother to join our companies but my brother refused. So she married another company owner and gave birth to a child. I think she did it for revenge" Annie explained.

"I am sorry. I made a big mistake. I think Nate is angry with me. I'll wait and apologize to him. I'll accept whatever punishment he gives. I should have trusted him" Celine started crying.

"My brother can't be mad at you for long so don't think too much and take rest. He will come back soon."Annie calmed her and made her sleep.

When Celine woke up again that night she found that Nate didn't return home.

So she thought of going to his hideouts and search for him. She want to apologise to him immediately.

His first hideout is small cabin back to his house. But he is not there. Next she searched near the lake he took him still no sight of him.

Last one is deep in the forest a small clearing. It's already midnight she is afraid to go inside the dark forest but her eagerness to see him made her go into the unfamiliar place.

On the way she met Ava.

"What are you doing here" Celine asked angrily.

"Since Nate is angry he came to me so I was comforting him. Since he came back to me you get lost" She said to Celine.

"Don't lie to me. I am his soulmate and he loves me very much. He will never leave me" Celine said confidently.

"Oh you found out... You believe him now. What a pity" ava mocked her

"Why are you doing this" Celine asked her to find the answer.

"I loved him very much but he never looked at me. He avoided me like a plague and humiliated me. Since he didn't accept me as a mate he will never have a mate this lifetime. Now I'll kill you. He will think that you ran off because of your misunderstand and when he find out you are dead, he will blame himself for your death. He is going to suffer and I am going to enjoy seeing him like that" She laughed evily

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