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Stephen has been kind of clingy lately. I mean it's nice but I'm not used to it with Tobias he just used me for my body and my sweet cooking skills. But, with Stephen, it's different he talks to me we have conversations. We still haven't done the nasty which I'm not complaining. He's respecting me I appreciate it.

"Come here baby." Stephen looks up from his papers. I walk his way slowly taking my time. He walks closer to me n gives a huge goofy smile which makes me smile back. He puts his arms out and so do I but he crouched down snatches up Lloyd and walks away. I just stood there looking like a dummy. He's gonna regret that.

"Well what the hell happened!"
"You were all supposed to have this figured out by now what the fūck have you been doing!?"
"Since none of you dumb ass pussíes can do anything right I have to figure this out myself. I'll be there in 20."

I hear him throw stuff around but I just decide to stay where I am and not get involved. I don't want this to backfire on me.

Soon enough he comes out, "I have to go to work there were some issues that need my attention. I'll be back." I nodded then he walked out the door.

"So Lloyd looks like it's just me and you what you wanna do?" He looked at me. I looked at him. "Great minds think alike.

*4 hours later*

"IT'S SEVEN O'CLOCK ON THE DOT I'M IN MY DROP TOP CRUISING THE STREETS." I hold the remote up to my mouth screaming the words. Stephen isn't back yet and I am bored and lonely.


*ding dong*

I had to pause my song really quick and walked over to the door. Whoever it is better be important they just interrupted my concert. Opening the door I was shocked to see a woman in her mid 30's, long brunette hair, big ole titties, and a scar the size of my thumb under her right eye.

"Hi there sweetheart I was wonderin if Stephen was here?"

"And you are?"

"Oh golly silly me, I'm one of the head supervisors at his company I just need to speak to him about a few things."

"And a phone call didn't work?"

"He wasn't answering so I thought maybe I should just head over and see if he was home. May I come in?"

"Sorry he's not home come back another time." I start closing the door and she puts her foot in the way.

"So you say he's not here?" She smiles at me which makes me uncomfortable. I open the door back up and kick her away from the door slamming it shut and locking it. Running around the house I go to make sure all the other entrances are locked and close the curtains. The nervous wreck I am freaks out and calls Stephen off the house phone.

Ring ring.....

Shīt shīt shīt not the time for him not too answer. I hang up and start to redial when I hear glass break from the other side of the house. I snatch the phone and go hide. The one time he's not here. Can the floor just swallow me whole.

I hide in the bedroom down the hall and lock the door. I grab some things and hide under the bed. I use the items I grab to cover my body from them seeing me if they look under.

As I'm finishing up hiding myself I hear the door handle jiggle and I stop moving. The fear in my body is taking over and I start to cry. Covering my mouth the door breaks open. Three different voices muttering in another language is the only thing I can hear aside from the footsteps. I wait for them to leave.

vrrrrr vrrrrrrr vrrrrr

Now he wants to call back!! Terrible timing Stephen. I try to silence the phone but it won't shut up. Once the rings are done I listen. I can't hear anything so I stay still and try to wait it out. Then the whole bed gets picked up and flipped over. Two big men and the woman from earlier are looking over me. I try to get up and run but one guy takes me and throws me over his shoulder.

I start hitting and kicking him. Elbowing him in the back of his head. He takes me off of his shoulder and gives me a good punch to the face. I fell and started coughing up blood. Then he punches me in my stomach again and again. Once I'm not fighting back anymore, blood pooled on the floor he stops, grabs me by my arm and drags me along.

My consciousness is in and out now. I see Lloyd hiding in a corner. Out. I see many more men outside. Out. I see the inside of a car. Out. I see dirt road and a field. Out. I see... darkness.

Hello beautiful wonderful lovely people! I am back with another chapter after too long!
Thank you all for your support!
Any suggestions let me know!
Stay safe 😁

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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