Chapter 14: Rubber Ducks

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"We are back!"

"Hope you didn't miss us too much!" The twins spoke crashing into the living room. Literally crashing. George tripped over Hermione's handbag pulling his twin to the ground with him.

Laughing Charlie stepped over them. Fred glared at George and shoved him off him. The trio on the couch burst into giggles.

"We could have gotten hurt!" George exclaimed as they got up.

"You are right. It's not funny." Sirius said.

The twins nodded in agreement.

"It's hilarious!" He continued before he began laughing hysterically.

The twins pouted.

When everyone sobered up the identical red heads struck a pose.

"How do we look?" They asked at the same time.

Hermione looked them over biting her lip, to keep her from laughing aloud. Both were wearing three-piece suits with interesting prints. Fred wore a navy-blue suit and tie with black outlines of rubber ducks. Over his-thank merlin- white button-down shirt he wore a black crushed velvet waistcoat. George sported the same outfit only with a gold vest instead of one in black.

"Rubber ducks?" Remus asked amused.

"I am not so sure about your outfits boys." Hermione stated.

They mocked hurt.

"Oh, come on, Hermione. They are incredible." Sirius said.

"I would use the word peculiar." She said.

"Undoubtedly." Remus spoke.

The twins looked at her with puppy faces.


"Fine! Just so you know, the Dursleys pride themselves in being normal. And for the record I still don't approve."

They grinned. Hermione's eyes swept over to Charlie. Her breath got caught in her throat.

The twenty-four-year-old was wearing grey slacks with a matching suit jacket, a white button-down shirt with the first few buttons unbuttoned, a silver watch and black dress shoes with a matching belt. In other words, he looked breath-taking. Trying not to stare at him she said.

"Charlie on the other hand looks..." She paused. The young witch didn't know what word to use.

"Amazing." Sirius coughed. "Undeniably handsome." Cough.

Hermione glared at him.

"Great." Hermione said turning her face back to Charlie who grinned at her.

Sirius gaped at the brunette.

"Great!? Out of that enormous vocabulary that you possess you settled for the word great?! Are you kidding me!?"

Hermione raised an eyebrow at him.

"Only you can give a compliment and at the same time make it an insult."

"It's a talent."

Remus rolled his eyes.

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