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Yanni witnessed Zeus step ahead of all the gathered armies

His deep voice resonating around the crowd as he faced-down his father who stood just as arrogant as one would expect from a titan 

"I will give you this one chance Cronus. Surrender yourself and Leave with your army or i shall be forced to end you as i should have long ago"

A bellowing laugh pierced the air

"The only one who will be surrendering his day will be you.....son" he spat

A crackle of thunder sounded overhead and the clouds began to gather, darkening the sky and casting a dooming glow over everyone present

"So be it then" he said keeping his eyes on Cronus 

Yanni didn't like the sly gleam within them as if he knew something we all did not

"ATTACK!!!!"  Zeus shouted

All at once the chaos of battle began. We charged toward the enemy. The undead army looked like the the horror of every child's worse nightmare

They dripped black ooze from their bodies and were sickly skinny and haggard looking belying the strength they actually possessed 

Yanni cut the head off one and the limbs off of  another. She easily ducked as another attempted to spear her then Jumped and pierced him in the chest. Turning she and pierced yet  another and another.

The battle sounds of blood and death poured from everywhere. Yanni's adrenaline kept her heart racing and energy flowing steadily . The thunder above grew fiercer, drowning out all other sounds below

Yanni spotted Ares soaring through the air slicing through several bodes at a time. She had never seen him in battle before, he was a truly a sight to behold; no one his equal

Poseidon suddenly raced pass her, riding on a wave of water that seemed as alive and aggressive as he was. His golden trident gleamed as he speared three at once before riding away again

Zeus'  golden eagle plucked men from the ground soaring high and snapping their necks in between his enormous beak before dropping them heedlessly back down to their deaths

It was a frenzy of mass killing and Yanni was apologetically mesmerized by it all. She turned and sliced a neck open then jumped again and sliced another two at once.

She ran and continued plunging and stabbing, One sneakily got a slice on her arm and then on her cheek as she just narrowly missed his jab towards her head before she decapitated him for the offense

2 golden arrows whizzed past Yanni's face as she was ducking. Artemis' arrows. Yanni kicked the undead creatures legs out from under him, then she quickly stabbed him in the chest dragging her daggers skillfully  upwards until it was practically cleaved in half

She was grateful now more than ever that Zeus mandated every newly ascended mortal to take fighting lessons before they became  servants

It was certainly coming in handy now

Yanni looked around noticing the battle seemed to be growing in their favor as everyone fought hard and long. Rain began to spill from the sky along with the thundering flashes of Zeus' rage

Then the unthinkable happened 

A titan whom Yanni knew worked for Hades in the underworld speared an unsuspecting Athena straight in the chest

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