Chapter 31

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"You are here today due to your treason against the king."

The King sit perched in his throne, his queen sitting next to him with their hands intertwined. Caspian has chosen to stand with his arm securely wrapped around Artemis' waist. Princess Cassandra sitting next to her mother with Navene at her side. The wolves also in the great hall. Tesara by her companion Navene. Goliath protectively in front of the queen with Vatalanie next to the king. The king is surprised by the change but rubs her back regardless. 

In the room, the guards stand at attention lining the walls. In the center with two guards standing next to her kneels Princess Lena. Her whole form shaking in fear while she attempts to not cry or scream. She glances at the woman who caused her demise. Her eyes narrowing as she feels her rage boiling. 

Artemis can feel her change in emotion but continues standing strong. Caspian's finger rubbing soothing circles onto her hip bone. She watches as the princess narrows in on his hand that's placed on her. Lena drops her gaze back to the ground. 

"Do you have anything to say?"

Lena's eyes snap up at the venom voice of the king. She sees his eyes are a blazed. She scoffs knowing anything she said won't matter at this point. They have condemned her before she even stepped in the room. She slowly stands up off her knees looking directly at the king. 

"You are guilty of leading my father to his death." The king raises his head as if challenging her. She turns her eyes to Artemis. "I should have killed you when I had the chance." 

Caspian instinctively steps forward but Artemis holds him back. She calms him down before looking to the king whose eyes are glued on the princess in chains. His body rigid with rage. The queen stands up walking graciously down the few steps to stand in front of the princess. Her eyes leveled when she speaks to her. 

"You, Princess Lena, are hereby sentence to death."

Lena struggles in her chains lunging for the queen. The guards yank her back while the queen remains unaffected. They press her shoulders to make her kneel before the queen. Lena whips her head up with utter disgust towards her. 

"I never liked you Queen Analee." She spits on the queens feet. The king stands up but the queen raises his hand stopping him from advancing. She slowly leans forward looking directly at the enraged princess. 

"The feeling is mutual." 

The queen strolls back up the steps as Lena thrashes in her chains screaming in anger. She turns to Artemis. Artemis slowly walks down the few steps as Caspian attempts to stay where he is at. Every muscle protesting, ready to pounce. 

"You are a filthy witch that has casted some kind of spell on them! It won't last... they will soon realize you can't be trusted. You will be hung for your crimes!" 

Artemis stands directly in front of her as she continues to yank against the chains. Artemis poised and strong looking down to her in pity. She does not believe a word coming from her. The royal family has been nothing but kind and open to her since her arrival. She glances back and lets her eyes travel over each of them seeing nothing but love. She turns back to the kneeling princess. Leaning close to her face, her words are quiet enough no one other than Lena will hear.

"I pray you find peace before loosing your head." 

Lena stops struggling eyes going wide. Artemis straightens herself back up walking back to her spot next to the prince. He wraps her again as the king stands next to his beloved holding her protectively. 

"Guards, take her." 

Lena now yells and struggles within the grasp of the two guards who pull her away. She fights against them every step of the way until the door finally closes in the great hall. The king pulls his queen into a much needed hug while Caspian does the same with Artemis. Her long hair straight down her back. 

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