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Two entire weeks had passed in the hospital, and boy, was I ready to leave that wretched room.

Two weeks. 14 days. 336 hours. And Hudson hadn't left my side once unless he left for meals, to change, or to shower. It was safe to say he missed me for the time being.

Apparently I was out cold for a long period. It came as a shock to me, especially when it felt like I had been unconscious for just hours.

Hudson had explained to me that within those two weeks, that our bond had faded temporarily. He said it felt like he was missing the other half of his body—hence why he looked God awful. Part of me was glad I took the bullet, because I don't think I could've gone two weeks without Hudson either.

I was healed enough to the point where I could walk, but stretching or any other physical activity felt horrible.

Hudson had talked to one of the nurses at the hospital about us being mutants. While it came as a shock to them, they were surprisingly extremely nice. They had even heard of our efforts on television and had more nurses come and congratulate Hudson and I on defeating the Plague.

Clearly all of us had a common enemy.

The nurses said that within a couple of days, I would be ready to go. Except there were strict rules I had to follow, such as a diet program, and an exercise routine to gain the muscle back in my side.

Those couple of days came before I knew it, as Hudson happily helped me walk outside of the hospital to greet everyone.

I was free.

Priscilla, Lucy and all of the others were waiting for me outside of the exit to the hospital, each with a massive smile on their faces as they took in my appearance. They all ran up to me and gave me a group hug, even giving me some flowers until Hudson cleared his throat behind us.

"Hey. Give her some space, she's injured," Hudson snarls. Everyone sighed, knowing his overprotective side was kicking into gear. 

I smile and roll my eyes playfully, hitting him lightly in the chest. "Shut up. I'm not that injured," I claim. But my body had a different opinion, as my weak legs trip over my footing. In the blink of an eye, Hudson was already by my side with two hands on my waist firmly.

"Uh huh," he chuckles. "Not injured my ass." He walked me back to the ship with everybody else. "You're not leaving my side for a moment, Mara."

And over the next few days, Hudson would very much fulfill that promise.


As my eyes slowly open, I found myself nestled in Hudson's chest.

His arms were wrapped around me so tightly (away my wound, of course), I thought he was going to choke me. But I didn't mind at all, as I snuggle impossibly closer in his warmth, making him wake up from the movement.

"Good morning beautiful," Hudson whispers, his tone raspy from his morning voice. I feel him place a kiss on my forehead as a shaky breath escapes his lips.

I smile to myself. Hudson had practically lived by his words after we had left the hospital. I don't think there was a single moment when Hudson was in a different room than me yesterday.

The bond between us was malnourished, and it mustve felt amazing to him that I was laying in his arms once more. He was the person in my life that I had the purest connection with, and only death would be able to break it.

"I missed this," he whispers, as his lips begin lazily trailing down my face and to my neck, making my stomach warm in anticipation. "Two weeks felt like two years without you."

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