Chapter ten, The Moon In The Sky

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I opened the teddy bear I saw something...

I saw a address and a phone number... I called the number, "555-645-8816" I mumbled to myself.

'Uh hello?" A female voice answered "hi! Are you number, 555-645-8816?" I said while reading the number "yes? How did you get my number?" She questioned. "Oh well I had it on a teddy bear that a family member sent me? I was wondering if it was yours?" I replied.

"A teddy bear hey? What dose it look like?" She asked "I'm not sure how to explain maybe we could meet up somewhere it says your in town here." As I said that it sounded creepy (xD). "Uh sure how about... the park?" She said, "uh sure?" I said.

We met up at the park as I felt something inside me that said 'hey I know her!' I don't know why I've never seen her ever in my life. "Oh hi are you... (Y/N) (L/N)?" She said in question. "Yup that's me" I said with pride, dark and anti sprung in as I looked at her, "get out of here guys" I said under my breath. They didn't listen. "You should get away from her (Y/N) she's bad news" dark said to me, I said "hey we should go to (F/Restaurant)!" I said while secretly glancing at dark and anti.

We all sat down at (F/R) and talked, "so let's get down to business" she said pointing at the teddy bear. "Oh yeah! Um so this was sent to me by my brother jimmy" I continued "and I don't know why I had your number and address." I said confused, "oh! I used to have a friend named mark and he had a friend named jimmy it might just be mine" she said with explanation "oh that makes sense so what's your name?" I asked

"Oh it's Luna Barsion" she replied "it's funny my friend became a famous youtuber!"
My eyes widened "so your friend..." I continued "is THE markiplier" i said surprised.
I looked a dark and noticed 'i don't know her DARK dose!' Wow, "So have your heard of darkiplier?" I asked while giving glances at dark, "oh yeah that silly made up 'demon' that he made" she said, and that wasn't the best choice of words. I had to hold back dark from killing her.

"I'm going to kill that bitch if it's the last thing I d-" I stopped him "calm down dark it a JOKE." I said. (Even though it wasn't). Anti laughed at him, as I giggled. Luna looked confused so I said this "ya know what imma let dark out but dark don't kill her." She look VERY lost "am I missing something?" She asked as I let energy move towards dark as he can show himself ( but for only 3-4 minutes)

A big cloud of black smoke appeared out of nowhere as dark was visible to everyone, EVERYONE! And people looked shocked, scared, excited and amazed. The actual FIRST thing he dose is say "see I'm real now where is my money?" I sighed as he looked very aggressive at poor Luna as he held up her shirt. " whåt äbøût mé?" Anti said with a sad face. "Not yet I can't handle two demons at once anti" I said explaining it to him. "Bùt ï wøñt bę łõøōóöôòńg" he said. "Ugh fine but only for a minute" I said to him rolling my eyes.

A septiceye appeared out of nowhere then took on anties form. "Ïm báçk bãbÿ." Anti smiles scaring everyone. "Not for long though anti" I said as I looked at anti. "Ügh ÿøùr śùçh å pãrtÿ pøöpér (Ÿ/Ñ)." He said like an emo teenager. "You know my body isn't very strong so no magic guys." I commanded them. "Fine" they both said. They hung out and chatted even though I could see dark glancing at Luna.

As they both disappeared and appeared as hallucinations we walked home with Luna dark was strong enough to let both of us see them. Then something terrible happened...

(A/N) I am sorry that this was a small chapter but ight imma head out.

-lil miss cliffhanger

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