Chapter Thirty Four

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Word Count: 1816


Three weeks later.

I flip the page of my book, listening to the sweet singing voices of the birds around me.

Things are lonely here, but in a good way. The day I left Thought's estate, I collected enough of my things, and took a train to an unknown location. I'm somewhere far enough away for me to feel comfortable, giving me enough space to think. I've booked myself in an inn surrounded by a small, quaint town. I've spoken to very little people, ben under a fake name, and haven't mentioned once where I've come from.

I haven't heard from Noah, Cian or Stace for these past few weeks, and it's been a relief. However, my current mission is trying to ignore the tugging feeling that is leaving my stomach feeling hollow. I'm not sure if it's the mate bond, or this bond to Stace.

Either way, I can't wait for it to go away. If it ever will.

I'm not going to pretend like every inch of my subconscious mind is begging me to return to my mates, which are no doubt hunting through the mortal realm looking for me. But so far, I haven't heard a thing.

Turning another page, I avert my eyes from my sentence to the sunset before me, shading the neighbourhood with hues of coral and orange. I feel guilty, of course, that I left in such a way. But what could they expect? One of my mates wants me to leave my life for another realm completely, and another who will kill me if he ends up believing I am what I am.

I don't even want to admit it at this point. Even if I believe them, I don't want to admit that I'm anything like them...even if I don't know what that is. Maybe I have powers I haven't explored, and maybe this other realm is beautiful, but then I have to think about Cian.

It's just too much now.

Wincing, I look down at the tiny hurt on my thumb, a simple cut from the page of my book. I watch as blood seeps from the small wound, the brilliant violet colour glowing under the beams of the setting sun. I can't change that about myself, but I need more time to come to terms with this. I need time before I can look Noah and Cian in the eyes again, and have Stace explain my life to me.

But no doubt they are hot on my tail. Cian has his magic to track me, and Noah is an Alpha with unknown abilities.

Wiping the blood away, I get to my feet, walking back inside off the porch and into my room. My clothes are a mess everywhere, my life in an untidy shambles since everything has happened. I've been attempting to do my own research into these daemon creature I am supposedly related to, but nothing comes up. Not even in the local library, as if nothing on this exists. It makes me doubt how real this all is...what if this is some kind of screwed up dream.

No, of course it's not. But one could hope.

I decided on a walk to get dinner. This place doesn't have much around, remaining near uncivilised aside from a few nice places. I'm fairly certain we are in a good neighbourhood in the Freedom Pack, but I've never had the heart to ask a clerk at a store in case they start asking questions back.

Waiting for my dinner, sitting outside on a bench I enjoy the warmth of dusk. I like how peaceful it is here, as night begins to fall. I've never been out much, but it makes me wonder, is it always this quiet out when night falls? For some reason, it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up on ends. I know this place is quiet, but it's unlikely that the sight of night falling would have everyone hiding within their homes.

Loosening a breath, I turn to walk back inside the diner where I had order food to take away. However, the door is locked no matter how much I try it, and the lights inside have gone dim.

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