Chapter 25: The Diary of a Mad Assassin Woman

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Throughout the school day, Valeria had flashbacks of her encounter with Brigitte the Assassin. She had tried to run over Sai and her with a car, but instead of making a getaway, the woman had pulled around the corner and stood there, watching them with that smug look across her face. Was she trying to kill Sai? Me? Or was she up to something else entirely?

Valeria tried to mask her concern when she met up with Erin. She had a lot on her mind, and told her they'd need to cancel their meeting under the White Pine today..

"Did you find out any more information about the Midas Vault?" Erin asked.

"No," Valeria had replied. That seemed less important then facing a woman who tried to murder her. After school, Sai, James, Roberta and Jon met up with her at the bicycle rack.

"Want to come with us to the video arcade?" James asked.

"I can't. I have tutoring all afternoon." She felt bad lying to them, but she didn't know any alternative. Mounting her bike, she planned to ride off before they could protest. But Sai pedaled up beside her before she could leave.

"Can I ride with you?"

Valeria wanted to say no, but stopped herself. Sai was with her that day, and maybe he could help implicate Brigitte. She had promised to keep the whole ordeal a secret from Jada, but the idea of just letting Brigitte go unpunished didn't sit right with her. "Alright."

They pedaled off together, weaving between pedestrians. It was a sunny day in the city, with cars bustling back and forth along every street corner. She tried to enjoy the cool autumn breeze as it caressed her long black hair, but felt distracted as Sai pulled up beside her.

"So," he stuttered, "I've got a weird question I've been meaning to ask you. I could have sworn my lip was busted at the bowling alley. But when I got home, my face looked completely normal."

Valeria focused on pedaling. "I guess I overacted. It didn't look that bad, and I'm glad it healed okay."

Sai kept pace with her. "That's just it. It healed by the time I got home. That doesn't make any sense! That whole day didn't make any sense, honestly. I still don't understand how you beat up those guys all by yourself. Or how you were hit by a car without being seriously injured."

"You wouldn't understand," Valeria mocked. "I've always known how to handle myself."

Sai swerved to avoid a parked car. "Okay," he said, catching up to her, "now I call BS. Even the toughest gangster would take some damage after getting hit by a speeding car."

"I hurt my shoulder, didn't I?"

"It should have been worse than that. I think it had something to do with that suit you were wearing."

Valeria dismounted near the Pipino Residence. She stood by a stone wall, and when Sai pedaled over, she pushed him against it. "You can't tell anyone! Not your friends or your parents. Give me your word!"

Panicking, Sai asked, "Tell them what? I don't even know what I would say. Valeria is some kind of superhero?"

"Don't call me that!" She yelled, thrusting a finger at his face. "I'm not a hero!"

"That's it, isn't it?" Sai asked, a grin across his face. "You're a superhero. This is unbelievable! James would lose his shit it if I told him about this -"

Valeria's anger took over – and without thinking – she punched him in the face. He fell backward against the wall and clutched his nose, blood dribbling down his chin.

"What the hell, V?" he asked, his voice ripe with anger. "Are you freaking crazy?"

"Would a hero do that? Huh?!" Valeria yelled. There was more she wanted to say, but she stopped upon hearing someone clapping behind them. A weasel-like laugh followed, and she turned toward the person approaching them.

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