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*Above is Eric's famous portrait at Nonna's place.


I got down the car, and James came to me from the car behind mine, "Erica!"
I smiled, "James!"
He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "Erica child! I am concerned about you."

I chuckled, "You worry alot James. I told you I am fine."
"No! You are not. I saw your face when that asshole of my son, declared his bullshit!"
I laughed, "No cussing James!"

He narrowed his eyes, "You're avoiding my question child!"
I sighed, "James I don't really know what it feels like to 'love'. All love I have ever experienced is from you and Jess. And I don't expect it from anyone else. You know if anyhow I do fall, I will manage myself. And Eric is not my type, nor I am his. He deserves a girl with a dignified background. A girl who isn't having a past as dark as mine! A girl who would he would adore. May be someone who is attractive and pleasing to him. And that is certainly not me. So it's as clear as sky!"

He sighed and looked up, "You see it's quite cloudy."

I laughed and shook my head, "James you're too much!"

"Okay now! But know it that I am here for you always. We can even bitch about my son together.", I chuckled, "okay ex-boss!"

"Yes ex-assistant!", He chimed.

We heard a throat clearing sound, and turned to see everyone behind us.

"It's time Erica!", Said David with a smile, "Your jet is ready!"

I could feel a glare on me but ignored it because I am quite talented in that field.
"Take care my child!", Nonna kissed my forehead and patted my back.

David came and hugged me, "You know one thing..", he whispered in my ears, "...if he caused you any harm, I will come to States and we can together kick his ass!"
I laughed loudly, "Yes ofcourse!"

I didn't realize when I was suddenly yanked away from him, "It's getting late! Let's go!", He held my hand in his as if he owns it.

Now he will act like a possessive boyfriend. And it's not even four hours when he said all that, which I have properly carved in my head.

I pulled away my hand from his as if it burned me.
I turned to everyone, "I like it here alot David. I'll be back very soon."

With that I hugged everyone and we boarded the jet.
I deliberately chose a single seat and put in my earplugs, reading my book from the morning.


My earplugs were pulled away, "Why are you sitting here alone!? Come sit with me. I am getting bored."


He stood there for a minute and kept on staring at me, "Are you upset at me Erica!?"

My heart stopped as if it got an opportunity to yell at him and curse him for his heartlessness. But it was my brain that I will prioritize.
"Why will I be upset Eric?"

"You know...what I said in front everyone back at the mansion.", He rubbed his face with his hand, "Erica do you...? I mean do you really...?"

I chuckled, "Don't overthink Eric.", I sighed, "I don't have any feelings for you. And I would never have them in my life.", I tried to sound as convincing as possible.
"And yeah! All I realized was...that we as friends or as a boss-assistant are crossing our limits. We have not realized it, but there should be a decent boundary between us. A boundary that should exist in every male female relationship not related to love. May be that is the reason everyone makes assumptions."

I could see horror on his face, and that gave me a devilish satisfaction.

"But Erica...in our penthouse, there would be no one to make assumptions and all. We would be..."

"You are not getting it Eric. We may be in 'your' penthouse, but how will I face my future partner, if I don't keep myself celibate for him."

He was first raged and then exasperated, "Erica we have not had sex!!!"

"I don't know about you Eric, but I count a kiss also an element of celibacy! Let's save this decency between us.", I dismissed him and plugged back my earphone.

As much as I hate to disappoint you, you need to have a reality check.


I could clearly sense frustration radiating off him. But I paid no heed. And it has been going on since we have returned from Italy. That is two days.
I have convinced him that I can apply my ointment on my own, thereby ending the smallest possibility of us coming near each other.

I kept a file before him, "Eric you need to sign this one."
He looked up, nodded and then went back to his work.

Two hours later, we had a meeting with our new investors. I followed him because he said he will need my opinion.

I sat beside him, and then two men came.
One of them, a man in sixties was Mr. Luke Hastings. And then his son probably in his early thirties was Richardson Hastings.

The meeting began and I came to know that the Hastings son is going to take over his father's empire soon.
Undeniably, he was quite a good looking man, and they both were of British origin with a fluent Yorkshire accent. And it was quite good hearing them speak.

When the meeting was successfully over, the deal was given a positive lead.
Me and Eric smiled at each other in triumph.

The celebrative lunch arrived and we began eating the food.

"So Eric and Erica!? Are you both in a relationship?", The father's question caught me off guard.

Eric started to reply, "We both are in..."
But remembering his previous track record, I interrupted him, "No we are not!"

"Oh good! The coast is clear then!", The son winked at me, and I smiled slightly shrugging.

"No I just thought because you both don't give that vibe of a boss and assistant.", The senior Hastings explained his reasons.

The one beside me went eerily silent then, but I knew this was the silence before a storm.

As soon as we both got in the penthouse, after Stephan dropped us, I was yanked back on a wall, "What was that!?"

"What was what!?"

"Don't fool around Erica! Why did you say we are not in a relationship!?", He seethed.

"Why!? Are we?!", This was like a blow on him for his hold on me suddenly loosened.

"Uh...Erica you know I say that in order to save you from those hungry bastards. You are quite good looking and those men only lust on you!", He explained.

I sighed, "At least they lust on me Eric! I thought I am not attractive enough. And by the way, I am twenty five already. I need to live a little now. I want a partner for myself. Who knows who is the one!?"

He looked at me as if I have punched him in his guts, "May be my doctor. Or that Richardson Hastings. May be Evans! Or even the waiter in that restaurant you took me to. I have no issue with money and status!"

Hurt! Hurt was what I saw on his face. And he didn't do a single attempt to hide it from me.

I immediately started regretting my words, because ofcourse I don't mean it. No matter how many men out there are ready to court me, I have my eyes for one.

Before I could think any other thoughts, his lips were crashed on mine brutally.
He grabbed me in a fierce and violent kiss. I shuddered from the sensations that started coursing through my body.
This man will be the death of me!

We broke apart but he held me firm in place, "Miss Erica Miller! Have this thing carved in your head! That you!", he pointed at me.


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