Broken Spirits

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Tavi Woke up the next morning emotionally drained. She wished she had woken up and all of it was a dream. Her eyes became teary at the thought of everything and she quickly tried to shake the thoughts. She tried to call Derrick several times to only find her calls went to the voicemail. Tavi was crushed. She closed her eyes and soon feel back asleep.

"Wake up child, you need to feed that baby" Ms. Linda told Tavi. "Here I made you a big breakfast." "It didn't look like you were going to eat what the hospital made for you so I thought maybe you would like my food better." "Just something simple honey." "Sausage, bacon, eggs, grits, and three strawberry pancakes, I hope it's not to much." Tavi sat up and smiled at Ms. Linda "thanks but I shouldn't be taking this from you" Tavi said. Ms. Linda sat the plate down "child eat!" "I didn't put nothing in your food, and you not gone starve that baby in my presence." Ms. Linda said matter factly. "I'll be back to check up on you soon and see how the baby's doing. "Okay" Tavi said almost embarrassed. Ms. Linda smiled and walked out the room. Tavi sat still for a moment and slowly sat her weak body up. Ms. Linda was right. Tavi hadn't ate in over 24 hours and really wasn't hungry until she smelled the huge breakfast Ms. Linda had prepared for her. She smiled. She hadn't had such a nice gesture in a while. Tavi dived in head first in her breakfast and was finished in less than 10 minutes. Tavi laid back and silently thanked god for Ms. Linda she had to be a angel.

Ms. Linda came in to check on Linda and the baby. The baby looked healthy and everything was normal. Ms. Linda smiled at Tavi "you feel any better baby?" "I feel a thousand times better since I had that breakfast, thank you Ms. Linda" Tavi said sincerely. "The pleasures all mines". "You didnt call any visitors" Ms. Linda asked. "No I don't have any family here, I don't really have any family anywhere" Tavi answered. "Well if you need me honey, you can call me." "Im don't have alot, but what I do have im happy to give you if you need it" Ms. Linda said sincerely. "Thank you Ms. Linda I will keep that in mind, and I appreciate that gesture" Tavi said sweetly. "Well rest up hunny." "The sooner you feel better, the quicker you can go home" Ms. Linda said as she walked out the room. "Home" Tavi thought. Where would she go? Tavi sat up and watched television for a while. She tried to keep her brain off the obvious problems and just relax. She just needed to smile, and she did exactly that when she saw the two teddy bears on the counter.

Tavi dialed Keyonis number. She didn't know what she was going to say but she figured thank you wouldn't hurt. "Ring, ring, ring." The phone rang as Tavi became nervous. "Yo" Keyonis Answered. "Ahh hey its Tavi, I was calling to thank you for the stuff you brought me yesterday." "First time I smiled in a while" Tavi said. "You welcome shorty I'm glad I could make your day better" Keyonis said. "Why did you get two teddy bears?" Tavi asked. "One for you, one for the baby" Keyonis answered. "Well he said thank you" Tavi said as she smiled. "So it's a boy, congratulations" Keyonis said to Tavi. "Thank you" Tavi replied. "So how are you and the baby doing, everything good?" Keyonis asked actually concerned. "Yea right now it looks like everything is okay." "The baby just has to get monitored, I lost to much blood so I might I have to stay a day or two" Tavi told keyonis. "I'm ready to go tho". They sat quiet for a moment on the phone. Each of their minds drifting off to another place for a moment. "You still not having any visitors?" Keyonis asked sarcastically but inside he was serious. "I don't have no family to visit me" Tavi replied sadly. "Ya baby father not gone come check on you?" Keyonis asked. "He the last person that would come here" Tavi said hoping the subject would change. "Well I'll come keep you company if you don't mind" Keyonis said shyly. Tavi thought about it for a second. In reality she had nobody. Ms. Linda had been the only company she had had since she had came to the hospital. Tavi knew Ms. Linda had to go home and get some rest. Tavi had overheard some nurses discussing Ms. Linda staying over to keep a eye on the pregnant girl. "Okay I could use some company in this cold ass hospital" Tavi replied. "Bet I'm on my way, need anything?" Keyonis said. "Ummm a Mt. Dew, pickle, and twix." "Please and thank you" Tavi said. "A Mt. Dew, a pickle, and a twix" Keyonis said laughing. "I got you shorty". "Tavi, call me Tavi" Tavi said. "Okay Tavi, I'll bring yo snacks." "Call me if the baby need think of anything else" Keyonis said. "Whatever" Tavi said laughing. She hung up the phone and she smiled. Ms. Linda walked into the room. "I see you laughing honey, keep that smile on." "Im about to leave, but if you need anything just call my cell phone." Ms. Linda said as she handed Tavi a piece of paper." "I see you don't have many people to turn to, and I remember how that feels." "I just want to help you if you need it baby." "Sometimes just someone to listen is enough" Ms. Linda said sincerely. Tavi eyes watered. It had been a long time since anybody had offered to listen to her, let alone help her without anything in return. "Thank you Ms. Linda, I will make sure to do that" Tavi said. Ms. Linda nodded as in agreement as she walked off. Tavi turned off the television and layed on her side as she looked out the window. Her mind began to wonder to back to the happier days before her life fell into shambles as she fell in a deep sleep.

"Tavi where the fuck you get these tights ass pants from?" Tavi's mother Cheyenne asked her. "I bought them with my check ma, and they not to little I got them a size to big" Tavi said to her mom irritated. Cheyenne knew Tavi pants weren't to tight. Truth was Tavi just had a body. At 17 Tavi was very curvaceous and Cheyenne wasn't about to let that little whore daughter of hers go out flashing her goods. Cheyenne was jealous of Tavi and Tavi knew it. What Tavi didn't understand is why. She had always been a good girl. Gotten straight A's, never fought in school, and still held her virginity, but it was never enough for her bitter mother. Cheyenne had also been short with Tavi but it seemed like every since Cheyenne's new boyfriend D came into the picture things had gotten worst. Tavi's dad had left Cheyenne and never looked back. Never even called to wish Tavi a happy birthday. By the time Tavi hit her teenage years she had become accustomed to dealing with the different men in her mom's life and her different mood changes. All tavi wanted to do was graduate and never go back home. She was tired of living like this, and the first shot she got at leaving tavi would gladly take.

Tavi came home from school around four that afternoon. She noticed the house was empty. Tavi rolled her eyes as she looked in the refrigerator and saw nothing inside. "Ugh" Tavi screamed in frustration. She cried tears of frustration from her life. Ever since her Papa Morris had passed she had been forced to suffer at her mother's choice. She hated her life and she wished she could run away in her grandfather's arms. She only had 2 dollars and was starving. Tavi walked towards the door to walk so she could get something to eat when a drunk D stumbled in the door. "Where you going tavi" D asked through slurred words. "I'm going to get something to eat there's nothing here to make, not even cereal" Tavi replied to derrick. "Here" D said as he handed Tavi 300 dollars. "Go to the grocery store". Tavi looked at D reluctantly as she put the money in her wallet. She turned around to walk towards the bathroom when she realized she would be gone longer. Tavi used the restroom and open the door. D grabbed Tavi's arm. "You know I been looking at you for a while now." "How you carry yourself, and Handel yo business lil ma." "I know you see me looking at you, you exactly what I need in my life" D said lustfully. Tavi rolled hey eyes and turned to walk away as D grabbed her hair. "Come here you uppity hoe" D said angrily. Tavi began to hit D as his hands let go of her hair and began to sqeeze her neck taking up her air wave. Head and heart pounding tavi looked for a weapon or someway to escape. Tavi's eyes got heavy as everything around her became black...

Tavi woke up with D kissing her in her private area. She sat still for a moment as shock and panic took over her. She jerked her body in disgust as she tried to fight her way off of him. D becoming angry decided to skip foreplay and get right to the point. Quickly pulling his dick out Tavi's eyes grew big as she became livid. She began to kick for her life. Tavi screamed in fear and pain as D took her precious innocence. Hot tears fell from her eyes as she tried to escape her reality. She vowed to kill D first chance she got. D strokes became faster and harder hurting Tavi's treasure box with his lustful thrust.

Cheyenne watched at the door as she sat in shock looking at her daughter be tampered with as she listened to Tavi's cries. Cheyenne hated Tavi and rage began to take over her as she watch D take Tavi's innocence and did nothing about it.

Tavi looked at her mother in pain and disgust. Tavi knew she hated her, but to allow your daughter to get raped?Tavi was so sore and tired her body became numb. She remained in her blood silent and still for about a hr. Her body didn't move. She just laid in her bodily fluids lost in her sorrow. She thought of papa morris and rage grew instantly. Tavi stood up and went into the kitchen. Somebody was going to die tonight!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2016 ⏰

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