chapter one

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Jialia's POV

I place Jian's breakfast plate on the table in front of his chair as he's picking out his outfit for school. Today I made him is favorite breakfast, fried rice with cut up boiled egg without yoke and orange juice. Whenever he tries to crack open a boil egg it gets messy. He's a picky eater so he doesn't like the yoke and will pick it out until it's not there anymore.

"Mommy!" Jian happily says as he enters the kitchen and sits on his chair at its usual spot. A smile spreads on my face as usual as I'm finishing up platting my plate. "It's my favorite!"

I bring my plate and sat it down on the table in front of me as I pull the chair in so I can sit. "I know it's your favorite. Eat a lot so you can grow stronger and bigger."

"You got it! I will eat a lot so when I grow I will become stronger and bigger and help you" Jian says then digs into his food. I smile and pat his head gently.


Jian and I are standing in front of his daycare.

"Remember to stay focus and have fun. If others are bothering you or if you see other kids bothering other kids, report it to the teacher okay." I'm squatting down to be the same height as Jian holding his hand. I fix his hair, moving it to the side. "Remember that mommy loves you."

Jian hugs me and I smile brightly. "Of course I'll remember that you love me. If you don't love me, who else? You're my mommy who will give a lot of love. The only love I need."

He pulls out of the hug. "I'll love you forever until the moon and back. No! I'll love you forever until the stars aren't showing anymore. I'll keep loving you even if the stars aren't showing!"

I smile brightly. I can feel my smile spreading wide to my ears. "Okay! Go inside. Mommy has to go to school now."

His face saddens. I hug him tightly and then give him a kiss on the cheek. I watch him as he skips inside the daycare. When he's inside, I get up and walk to the bus stop. As i'm walking, I look up at the advertisement tv that is posted on top of buildings to see a c-pop boy group, WayV. As each of their picture shows, one of them shows up and I recognize the face, but is his face the same one as 4 years ago? Nice big almond eyes with eyelids, medium nose and medium lips. Maybe I'm seeing things too much. That can't possible be him. Maybe it's just a lookalike. It's not him. I take my eyes off the advertisement when I arrive at the bus stop.


After school was done, I went to the bus stop knowing that the traffic will be bad. I arrive 5 minutes early before my shift and quickly put my school bags away in the break room. I put the black apron on, bringing the strings to the back of myself then tying it before fixing my hair into a low ponytail. I slide my ponytail through the small hole on the back of the hat then sat it on my head. I clock in. I walk up to the front and wash my hands before I start touching or doing anything. On a normal day like today, it's not that busy. A group of guys come inside and walks to the front.

"What do you guys want? I'll pay for everything today." One of the guys says with big eyes, his bangs covering his forehead but could still see. A nice medium nose shaped and nice lips. His voice is deep. (lucas)

"For real? You can't lie." One of the other guy says from behind with a big smile. Small cute eyes, long small nose which is cute and nice medium lips. He's one of the tallest. He's good looking as well. (winwin)

"Is the usual fine?" The guy in the deep voice asks. (lucas)

"Yeah" Everyone agrees.

"Okay. So I'll have 3 Americano and 4 Cappuccino." The guy orders then I punch it in the register. (lucas)

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