47. Goodbyes Are Difficult

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While Evan left to take to bath, I quickly prepared two steaming cups of coffee for us. It was a peaceful night and what made it more peaceful was the sight of Evan and Cara earlier today. The distance between them had started to vanish and I couldn't be more grateful for that.

By the time he returned, I had changed into my nightgown and was waiting for him on the bed. He had changed into a fitting black T-shirt that hugged his muscular torso perfectly. He was a very handsome man who could easily melt a girl with a small wink or a smirk. His eyes were the best part of him, that could hypnotize anyone with just one sharp glare.

I was so busy admiring him that I zoned out for a moment. When I moved out of my imaginary world, I found Evan towering over me. I blushed on getting caught checking him out and scolded my hormones mentally.

"You look like you want to jump at me," he said with a teasing smirk on his face.

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

His smirk deepened and he lowered himself to my level, caging me in between his strong arms. "You can jump at me any time." He whispered in my ear.

"Good to know," I replied, staring deep into his gorgeous blue eyes. The radial pattern intermixed with greyish specks fluttering around lured me in and I found myself inching closer to him.

This was probably the first time I had initiated our kiss by wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him towards me. His lips gently brushed against mine in a slow yet passionate rhythm and my breath hitched. His kisses were so perfect that if I could do one thing for the rest of my life, it would be kissing him.

Our position was too uncomfortable for both of us so we parted for a second and he shifted on the bed, pulling me in his lap. I straddled his waist and began kissing him again, pouring all the emotions directly into the heated kiss.

Evan's hands that were on my waist reached the knot of my gown and undid it, letting it slip off me. His hands once again wrapped around my waist and he increased the speed of his tongue against mine.

I felt lightheaded because of the feelings in the pit of my belly. He was the only one who had the ability to turn me into a horny mess.

"The..." I tried to speak but he didn't let me. "C... Coffee." I said breathlessly and reminded him of the coffee cups sitting beside us, waiting to get cold.

Evan parted from me, his pupils dilated probably just like mine, the desire in them clear. "God," he said breathlessly and tucked my free hair behind my ears.
"You make me crazy."

I blushed under his passionate gaze and disentangled myself from him, not caring about the lack of my gown. We picked up our respective cups and pulled the blankets over our legs.

"I had to tell you something." He said, taking a sip of the coffee.

"What?" I asked.

"I am going to New Jersey for three days." He said and my mood drowned immediately. I couldn't imagine spending three days without looking at him. It wasn't normal for me to feel so head over heels for him, was it?

"Oh." I whispered, staring at the pattern of steam coming out of the cup.

"Do you want to go with me?" He asked.

I wanted to, but I didn't want to leave Cara behind. It wasn't long since I went to Malibu with Evan and if I kept vanishing for days straight, she would feel left out and abandoned. She was already very sensitive about her relationship with Evan and I didn't want to be the reason to create any more wedge between them.

"No, you go. I should focus on the bakery now." I replied.

"As you wish," he smiled and rested his head on my shoulder. His curls tickled my skin and I let out a long sigh.

"I'll miss you," I said and put the cup aside, lacing my fingers with his.

"I'll miss you too, love." He replied.

"Do you miss her?" I asked further. Since we returned from Malibu, he hadn't mentioned Eliza once. Things were getting better between us but I didn't want him to think he can't talk about his pain in front of me. A real relationship doesn't survive on kisses and hugs only. It needs understanding, trust and honesty.

"Miss who?" He asked but I had a feeling he knew what I meant.

"Eliza." I said. It felt weird taking her name. It felt weird taking someone else's place in someone's life. I felt like wherever she was, she hated me for being so close to Evan right now.

"Of course I miss her. You never forget your first love." He said and a sad smile appeared on my face. "Tell me, who was the first person you loved?"

You. That's what I wanted to say. Before Evan, I never felt so strongly about anyone. But things were just starting between us. Telling him how I have fallen for him badly was the last thing our relationship needed.

"I have never loved anyone romantically. Crushes sure but love, I don't think so." I said, chuckling at all the crushes I had in high school.

"Really?" He asked, parting away from me and staring at my face attentively.

"Yep," I answered shyly.

"I'll be your first in everything then." He winked mischievously and I grinned in return. He was already the first person to make love to me and I was looking forwards to him being my other firsts too.


"Take care of yourself. Don't just work for the next 72 hours," I said to Evan who was now packing his bag to leave for New Jersey. He hadn't even left yet and I had started to miss him.

"And you... You have to take care of yourself and my daughter, both." He said, zipping the suitcase. With small steps, he walked towards me and angled his neck to look at me. "Don't go anywhere alone. My driver will be here all the time."

"We will be fine. Go otherwise I'll stop you." I said and looked away because I was feeling emotional all of a sudden.

"Will you?" He said and pulled me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and returned his hug with equal fervour, hiding my face in his chest. He smelled nice, his usual scent mixed with something spicy.

We were busy in that hug when Cara's voice echoed in the room. "Daddy."

"Yes, Cara." Evan said, pulling away from me.

"I made this PB&J sandwich for you. You can eat it in the plane." Cara said innocently, without realising that Evan wasn't going on a roadtrip. Evan and I looked at each other and smiled sheepishly at her cuteness.

"Thank you, sweetheart." Evan lowered himself to her level and took the box from her. He cupped her cheeks and then placed a kiss on her forehead. "Take care of your mama, Cara."

"I will," she showed her toothy grin. Together, we went to the door where Evan's driver was waiting for him to drive him to the airport.


Next chapter would be the turning point in their relationship.

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