Chapter four

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Chapter four: I wish god took me with them.



"Mind if I sit here with you?" We looked up at a very short brown-haired guy, he looked very young and sweet.

We were sitting in our usual table at lunch, busy shoving plastic food in our mouth.

"Sure," I nodded. "What's your name?"

"I'm Adrian," he smiled nervously.

"What grade are you in, Adrian?" Sofie asked.

"I'm a freshman, I'm hoping you guys are, too," he bit his lip as he took a seat next to me. "By the way, you're Hermosa."

"I'm what?" My eyes widened.

"Beautiful," he whispered.

"Thank you," I smiled. "I'm a junior, we are juniors."

"No way," he gasped. "Isn't it weird that I am sitting with you guys?"

"Not really," I shook my head. "My friend is a freshman, and he's going to sit with us too."

"Hey," Luke sat next to Sofie and he glanced at Adrian.

"Luke, Adrian. Adrian, Luke," I introduced them to each other, they just nodded at each other. "You know, the key to friendship is communication, you guys need to start using words."

"Hey, Luke! I am Adrian, I am fourteen, and I am always horny," Adrian waved at Luke.

"We found something in common!" Luke gave Adrian a high five.

"You're both fourteen," Sofie nodded.

Adrian and Luke looked at each other and burst out laughing, "and always horny."

"Oh, god," I groaned.

"Show me your schedule," Adrian told Luke.

One minute later, they were in their own world.


The house was louder than usual, it made me wonder what's going on downstairs. I slowly walked downstairs to see Joey, Eleanor, Tyler, Leo, Chase, and Luke. Even though I was kinda raised with them, I never interrupted their family time. I didn't envy them, they had the right to have family time, without having to worry about a nobody. Me. A lost girl with no parents, no home, no life.

I was happy that no one noticed me, so I quietly made my way back to my room. I held back the tears that were begging to fall, I buried my face in the pillow, letting out a silent scream. I kept telling myself to hold on, but I fail miserably every time. I thought that life would get better through the years, through the pain I've felt ever since I witnessed the death of my parents.

I thought it would disappear.

I wish god took me with them.

That day, was horrible. I opened the window, in front of me was the house that destroyed me. When I moved here, I insisted to take this room since I had the perfect view of my old house. I couldn't control the sob that left my mouth, I broke down in tears.

I felt some hands wrapped around my waist, I turned around to take a good look on Chase. With one hand; I gripped his t-shirt, and with another one; I gripped his hand. I buried my head in his chest, letting the tears fall down and the sobs got louder.

He still had his arms wrapped around me, and we stayed in our place. He stroked my hair, and after a couple of minutes; I calmed down.


Sorry for this short, late update.

Hopefully, you guys liked the chapter.

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