Chapter 9: Talk

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Chapter 9: Talk

They arrived on the rooftop of their school. Taehyung hissed in pain when Jungkook dragged him.

"What's wrong with you? Why do we need to talk?" Taehyung started.

"Nothing, I just want you to come with me." Jungkook grinned, leaning on the rail.

Taehyung looked at him with his done face.

"Don't talk to me again." Taehyung said slapping his chest.

Jungkook chuckled, pinching Taehyung's cheeks.

"Wanna skip classes with me?" Jungkook smirked.

"No thanks, mom will surely know about it." Taehyung replied yanking off Jungkook's hand.

"Aren't you bored here?" Jungkook inquired.

"Don't try to influence me with your bad demeanors, I'm too good and innocent to do that." Taehyung retorted flicking his fake hair.

"Innocent, where? I can't see it even on your face." Jungkook replied.

"That's why I hate you." Taehyung muttered kicking Jungkook on his knee.

"Yahh! Why do you keep on kicking my knee? Are you obsessed with them?!" Jungkook winced in pain.

"Stop saying nonsense! You're lucky I didn't kick your groin. Tsk." Taehyung muttered was about to walk away but Jungkook held his wrist.

"No, don't leave. I want to ask you, what she told you?" Jungkook asked with a hint of seriousness in his tone.

Taehyung glanced at him, sighing.

"You told me you don't want to talk about her, you're uncomfortable." Taehyung mocked.

"Come on, I just want to know what she says." Jungkook retorted.

"It's about you and her, I guess she was jealous." Taehyung replied.

"I see." Jungkook muttered letting go of Taehyung's wrist.

"Why did you ask?" Taehyung inquired.

"Nothing." Jungkook sighed reaching his hands in his pocket.

"Do you really think you can lie to me? I knew you for so long, what's the reason you ask about her?" Taehyung inquired retorting.

"Earlier, after lunchtime, she came to me and explained why she cheated on me." Jungkook started.

Earlier before Jungkook drag Taehyung with him.

"Jungkook!" Y/N called approaching Jungkook who was going out of his room.

However, Jungkook proceeded to walk as if he didn't hear anything.

"Jungkook, please let's talk!" Y/N yelled running toward a Jungkook and holding his left arm.

"I don't want to." Jungkook retorted, yanking off her hand.

"Let me explain, give me a time to explain. Just please, at least a second." Y/N insisted.

"Fine." Jungkook sighed in defeat.

"Follow me." Y/N said and lead the way to the garden.

"You can start now." Jungkook started when they arrived at the garden.

"Jungkook, I'm really sorry for lying to you, for cheating on you. I love you, you know that. But, Jungkook, I realized how much I love you when you left me. I realized how much I regret cheating. Trust me, my love for you was real, every single day and time we are together, I am real. I show my real love to you." Y/N stated.

"Are you done now? Can I leave?" Jungkook asked sighing.

"I know you're still mad at me, I understand you, Jungkook. But it's your fault too, you didn't love me. I can't feel your love, you never treat me as your girlfriend. We're together but I felt far from you. I can't reach you. If you had shown me that you love me, I won't cheat on you." Y/N added.

"Now you're blaming me? How does it become my fault if you fooled me? You are my first love, my first relationship that's why I'm still awkward showing how much I love you. If you shouldn't use me as your toy and treat me as a bank, this wouldn't happen to us. We should be happy and still together but you betrayed me!" Jungkook retorted.

"I didn't use you as my toy either a bank, Jungkook! I badly need money that's why I did that. My parents were sick and I'm too embarrassed to ask you. I don't want you to think I need your money! I'm not that kind of girl, Jungkook!" Y/N explained.

"Then what do you want me to do? We're done now, there's nothing between us." Jungkook uttered gritting his teeth.

"Come back to me, Jungkook, I miss you. This time, I won't let you go. Trust me, I miss every time we spend with each other. Give me a chance to show it to you, please, I'm begging you, come back to me." Y/N said with a crack in her tone.

Jungkook simply leave her alone and went to Taehyung.

"Then what?" Taehyung responded.

"She does that due to lack of money, and she felt bored because I didn't treat her right. She was mad because I don't have enough time for her. She didn't feel my love even though we were together. I understand her because she was right tho. I didn't know how can we work for our relationship, I didn't satisfy her enough. She explained everything I needed to hear." Jungkook explained.

"Do you still love her?" Taehyung suddenly asked.

"She wants me back, she almost begs for me." Jungkook replied.

"That's not what answer I want to hear. I ask you, do you still love her?" Taehyung inquired repeating his question.

"What if I do? What should I do?" Jungkook retorted.

The cold wind passed through them. The silence filled them for a moment. For some reason, Taehyung wasn't able to speak. He didn't expect that answer.

"It's up to you, it's your feelings. Follow your heart, but use your brain. Make your brain function even tho you're stupid. If she hurt you, that's your fault." Taehyung stated.

"I don't know if I should follow your advice." Jungkook chuckled.

"If you really love her, try to do something to show it to her. Get her back if that's what you want. But this is the only thing I could only say to you." Taehyung muttered.

"What is it?" Jungkook inquired confused.

"You're stupid." Taehyung said kicking Jungkook's groin and leaving.

Jungkook groans in pain, clutching his groin.

"What happened, Tae? Did he hurt you?" Jimin asked worriedly.

"He didn't, he just talked to me." Taehyung replied while walking.

"Seriously? He didn't punch you? Bullied you or something?" Jimin asked curiously.

"He won't dare to do that or else, I'll punch him back." Taehyung stated.

"You're right tho." Jimin muttered.

Taehyung sighed, shaking his head, and proceeded to their locker area.

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