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I woke in a rather uncomfortable position. My back rested against a rough, brick wall and my throat felt as though it was on fire. My eyes opened more and I felt as though I could see so much more than I had before. I looked around and noticed that I had been in a back alley of some sort. I looked down and grabbed my phone. I noticed nearly a hundred missed calls from Carlisle and tens more from the rest of the family.

I unlocked my phone and dialled Carlisle, he picked up on the first ring, "Jessamine, where are you? Where have you been? Are you safe?" He was panicked.

"I have no idea where I am. All I can think of is this horrific fire in my throat," I groaned and looked up to see if I could see what street I was on. "God, where am I?"

"Are you able to find a main road?" He was frazzled.

"Let me try to stand," I noted and shoved myself up off of the ground. I looked down and gasped, "That's a lot of blood. Is that mine? If it's mine there's no way I'm alive right now," I mumbled and walked over and out of the alleyway.

I looked around, "Oh my god, I'm in the middle of town. How did no one notice me here?"

"I'll be there in a few seconds," he hung up and I shoved my phone in my back pocket. I waited with my back resting against the wall of a building and my ankles crossed. "Jessamine," I heard Carlisle before I saw him.

I looked up and noticed his dishevelled look, he still appeared beautiful regardless. "How long have I been missing?" I groaned.

"You're still human, how are you still alive?" He rushed over to me and inspected what may have been my wounds. He took my hand in his and inspected the bite mark on my wrist.

"I think I was drugged," I noted. "I could have sworn that you had taken me home, though. I saw you, you picked me up and you took me home and then..." My voice trailed off.

"And then?" He pressed for information.

"God, how much of an idiot can I be?" I kicked the ground and ran my hands through my hair.

"Hey, you're not an idiot. What's the matter?" He questioned.

"There are these demons, I don't know what they're called but they can alter your perception of reality. They dig into your mind and make you see your biggest fears accompanied by shreds of hope," I explained and paced.

"Come here," he pulled me close to him. "I was so worried."

"How long have I been missing?" I asked.

"Two days, we looked in the woods because we thought it could have been Aaron," he explained.

"I'm ravished," I noted as my stomach growled.

"Here, let's go home. I can fix up something for you while you wash up," he offered.

"How am I even alive?" I whispered and shook my head.

"I'm overjoyed that you are," he kissed my forehead.

I looked up at him and saw Aaron for a split second. I jumped backwards and rubbed my eyes. Upon looking back up I saw a quizzical expression coming from Carlisle. "That damn demon did a number on me," I frowned.

"I've got you, you're safe now," he held me close as we walked towards the woods so that he could start running without attracting the attention of the nearby humans.

Once we stopped moving, we were in the living room of the house. "Water," I stated and made my way to the kitchen, "I need water," I opened the fridge and pulled out one of the water bottles. I drained it in a matter of seconds and moved on to the next one. I consumed four bottles in under five minutes and then tossed the trash away.

I turned towards Carlisle, "I don't know if I can make it up the stairs by myself."

"I've got you," he came to me and helped me walk to his bedroom.

"What if this isn't real," I stopped in the middle of the stairs and stared straight ahead.

"It's real, Jessamine, I promise you," Carlisle rubbed his thumb over my cheek.

"What's something that only you would know about me?" I questioned, still frozen in my spot.

Carlisle thought it over before answering, he had to choose something extremely specific, "The last thing your mother spoke with you about was how she hoped that you would have a chance at a life that she had only dreamt of."

"Okay," I breathed out and continued walking up the stairs.

"Jessamine?" He called just before I entered the bathroom.

"Yes?" I turned to face him.

"I love you," he smiled.

"I love you, too," I reached up to kiss his cheek before turning and closing the door between us.

Black & Blue |C. Cullen|Where stories live. Discover now