Drama is Over

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The second Princess blinks and she look at the second prince in pain.

"Hon...Honey? W-why?" Her lips tremble and her heart pained even more.

Second prince grit his teeth and whisper.
"Just let me reprimand you and just accept it for now. I will explain later."

The second princess is not that stupid so she nods her head.
But deep inside she is very disatisfied.

"You should not talk like that, my wife. That is no one but the prime minister."
Second prince said loudly.

The second princess already realize that by now. She is just too mad to accept that she made a mistake.

"Prime Minister,my wife made a terrible mistake but she is just a woman. She must have heard a malicious rumor and her judgement become terrible. But still....To treat her like this. Will you just let the matter go? For my sake?" The second prince said with full of self blame.

"Husband..." the second princess lift her gloomy face and gaze at her beloved with love.

Julius sneers.
He thinks that the second prince is really good with his wordings.

"I do not mind, Father. And it is true that the second princess is mistaken. I can't blame her. I know what it felt when I heard the news that the second prince force my husband to get back to him." Julius raise his hand and hide half of his face with his sleeve only the pitiful eyes are seen and his cracking voice are heard.

Everyone seen what happened and knows that if the prime minister didn't come Julius, this male wife ending won't be good.
So they are more emotional when the wronged Julius softly speaks and murmur about what truly is the cause of this incident. They can't believe that the second prince is the one who is eagerly wanted to get back but they are both married. Are they having an affair?

Prime Minister sigh he can't be openly unruly or the King will be disatisfied too. It is different if it is not 'openly' done though.
His sharp eyes stare at the second prince.
And the second prince is also gazing at them. At Julius. He can't believe that he will reveal what happened in the public.
Now everyone is whispering and snickering.

"Mist...you are mistaken. I only called Charles to talk about the past. We are good friends." The second prince smiles.

The second princess loving gaze turn cold.
So it was really her husband who visit that man.
But why?
He was always been loving and kind and understanding.
He always did what she wanted and always pamper her.
She believed she knew his heart by now.
That she was the only one there in his heart.

"You....you try to get back with your ex?" Second princess push away the maid that is holding her and she fell to the ground.
She try not to feel too much anger. Deep inside she still wants to believe in him. To all those months of love and passion. She unconsciously grab the sand in the ground clenching it tightly.

"Wife, I love only you. Charles has been with me since we are children. I want to get along and reestablish our friendship. Nothing more. Can't you believe your own husband? Did I show you anything bad in our marriage for you to not believe me?" Second prince said in pain.

The second princess wavers. He is right. She should not believe those liars. She should believe what she saw with her own eyes. A loving and caring husband! But why is he not supporting her to stand up?
The second prince told the maid to help her up. The second princess though she wants her husband to support her she is still happy.

Julius and Lorenzo both are looking at them with a straight face.
Both want to throw up with their ideal corny lines.
The second prince in particular.
He might fool his wife bacause he does pamper her but not the people around. His way of avoiding the main point is hilarious.

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