Chapter 15

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Leilani should have known better.

When she woke up at 10am and checked her phone, she had a text from Carter.

Mr. Vanderbilt: Happy 4th of July, darling. I have a car coming to bring you here at noon.

Darling. Leilani thought to herself. She liked that. Leilani quit blushing and hopped out of bed to pick out an outfit. Nothing too dressy and nothing too casual.

Leilani decided on blue skinny jeans, ankle length. A cream, spaghetti strapped peplum top. She chose a pair of blush strap-pie platform sandals.

After showering and applying barely any makeup, headed downstairs to meet the company car.

"Oh, good morning sweetheart!" Her mother chimed. Just as Leilani opened her mouth to greet her mother, she was silenced by the doorbell ringing. "Who could that be?" Leilanis mother asked.

Her mother was fully dressed for work. On the Fourth of July? Leilani thought to herself. "I'm not sure, I'll get it." She quickly jogged to the front door and opened it without checking the peep hole.

To her surprise, it was Carter. He immediately wrapped his arms around Leilani, ready to greet her with a kiss. However, Leilani was going to put a serious stop to the canoodling. She turned her head sideways avoiding the kiss and wiggled her way out of his arms.

"My mom," Leilani muttered, looking behind her frantically as she closed the door behind her, leaving herself and Carter on the porch alone. "What on earth are you doing here?" Leilani inquired, happy to see him but thrown off by his sudden appearance.

Carter frowned. "I told you was coming to get you, darling." He reminded her. Leilani cackled. "You saaaaaaiiiiiddddddd the company car would be picking me up." She sent that reminder right back to him.

"Well, surprise. I'm the company car." Carter laughed sarcastically and pecked Leilanis forehead. The front door slowly opened, Leilani's mother revealing herself. She was about to head out to work.

"Sweetheart, you left your purse on the kitchen counter." Her mother sang as she exited the household. This caught the couple off guard. Leilani folded her arms across her chest as Carter scratched the back of his head, foolishly.

"Mom, this is my boss. Mr. Vanderbilt." Leilani told her. She didn't want to introduce him this way but with her mother looking at him like he was a holiday character, she had no choice but to.

Carter smirked, shaking Leilani's mothers hand as they exchanged introductions. She watched the most important people in her life briefly chat and let out a few laughs here and there.

"If you don't have any plans after work, you should swing by my barbecue." Carter extended the invitation to Leilani's mother. He gave her his address before she took off in her car to work.

"Now why would you do that?" Leilani asked him as they headed to his house. "Well, why would you only introduce me as your boss?" Carter rolled his eyes playfully.

Leilani didn't want to say why she didn't acknowledge him as anything other than her boss, Mr. Vanderbilt. It was their age gap. And it also didn't help that they hadn't really established their relationship. For now, this was a deeply rooted emotional quarrel they were currently both participating in.

When they got to the house, Erins eyes lit up like Christmas lights on the night of thanksgiving. Erin couldn't wait to hang out with Leilani again.

Carter's friends and family started to arrive so Leilani and Erin put out everything. Carter took over grilling and the crowd that was only allowed outside.

Leilani and Erin were attached at the hip the entire barbecue. They ate together, snuck a few wine coolers out of the fridge for themselves, and over indulged on the food.

Leilani hadn't gotten any alone time with Carter but she didn't mind. While Erin went to use the restroom, and freshen up, Leilani headed to the kitchen to clean up their mess.

"There you are." The very voice that she hadn't heard since noon. She turned away from the sink and smiled up at Carter. "I just wanted to thank you." He told her simply.

The lights were off in the kitchen and since the sun had gone down, there was a shadow effect throughout the house.

"For?" Leilani asked sweetly, looking up at him. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Carter lifted Leilani by the waist and sat her on the kitchen counter, positioning himself between her legs. He was sure to keep his hands secure around her waist.

"For handling everything with the barbecue. The food was great everyone's fighting to take leftovers back to their hotel." Carter joked. They giggled together. Leilani locked eyes with Carter. It wasn't long before they were lip locked and had their hands roaming each other's bodies.

"Hmm, she should be in here. We haven't been outside much." Erin hit the light switch and Leilani's biggest secret came to light.

She thanked God for keeping them fully clothed despite the dry humping and face sucking they were engaged in.

"Leilani Jones! Is that you?" Her mother called out to her. Leilani revealed herself from behind Carter, who had his hand in her pants.

"Mom?" She double checked to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. But, she hoped that she currently was. Leilani lightly pushed Carter aside and adjusted herself before attempting to talk to her mother. "I'm sorry, I," her mother held up her right hand. That was Leilani's cue to stop talking. "Let's go." Was all her mother said.

"Carter," Leilani attempted a goodbye. This time, her mother grabbed her by her wrist. Erin watched the entire scene. Leilani's face began heating up with tears. This was embarrassing...

Leilani even tried to talk to Erin. "Oh, no worries girl. I already figured something was up. I'm just happy dad is done with that Rachel tramp." Erin blurted out, mindlessly.

Carter, the idiot who thought he was immune to the truth hour, was finally busted.

"Rachel?" Leilani repeated, in a shocked tone. "You said nothing happened with Rachel!" Leilani yelled. Waterfalls streamed down her cheeks as she was yanked away by her mother.

Carter was left feeling like a lying douchebag.

Erin wasn't sure if she'd ever see Leilani again.

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