Yours Will Be Mine.

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"Hey! Have you seen my project?" Anne surprised Albert when she slammed her hands on the canteen table.

Albert's life changed a hundred and eighty degrees since all the works of the Art Department were displayed on a part of their school. He started wearing hoodie because of her work. One mistake Albert didn't take account of is that Anne's reputation is so great that she had the biggest space on the gallery.

"I did. I thought it was just a project? Why is it displayed in gallery type?" Albert asked as he continue to eat his  meal.

At the Art Department's temporary gallery, Anne's works were the one gaining much attention. There were 11 canvass displayed. The biggest one was at the top center and that image was Albert laying on a bed. The ten smaller canvass were in different sizes, some were in portrait, others are landscaped and the art were different from one another. One art is a vase with flowers, another was a wine glass spilled on a carpet, one is a broken sword, a golden pendant on a table, a feather, and many other. Looking at them one at a time, there is nothing special on them, but if you just step back to see the whole wall, all the images are linked together creating an image in your mind that it was a canvass as big as that wall. Even with spaces in between the biggest canvass and the other ones, looking at them from afar fills up the spaces with images that are not there. Anne makes anyone who will see her creations activate their imaginations and make them see the bigger picture more than what the eyes can perceive.

"It really is a project. The type of project that let us experience our works in a gallery." Anne answered as she took Albert's apple and bite on it. Albert just shook his head. He's kinda used to how Anne acts around him. No shyness, no mask, no boundaries. She's too honest with what she really is and she acts on it.

"I see. And you forgot to tell me that detail. If I knew that will happen, I should've not accepted that job."

"Oh? Did I forgot to tell you that? Well, there's no point on crying for the spilled milk, anyway. What's done is done. You did gain something on it, right?" She answered as she continue to eat the apple Albert saved for last.

"Hmmm. Did I gain anything? I never realized that." Albert sarcastically said as he watch Anne sitting literally on the table, eating the fruit.

"And, may I ask what did I gain? Aside from people's attentions and some who are stalking me as they took pictures of me?" He asked as he lean his back on the chair, sitting sloppyly.

"Well, aside from people's attention, they now know who you are. You are you and not your twin." Anne nonchantly answered while looking at the man infront of her.

"Just admit that my works are so amazing." She tossed the murdered apple on the nearest bin like a basketball. It went right in which made Anne do a victory pose.

"Amazing, right?" Anne added. Her eyes were brimming and her smile is enchanting. Albert just nodded.

It was amazing, indeed, to the point that being at the center of it made Albert garner unwanted attentions. Especially that of his twin brother.

News really reached Allan's ear faster. As people mistook Allan as the one on the painting, he sometimes takes the credits and sometimes not because of irritations on the other's fame.

Albert's aloofness gives him an image of an unreachable god while Allan gives off an easy-going vibe which gave some people a clue on how to differentiate the twins from one another. A thing that made Allan even irritated and angry. People are starting to compare him to Albert which is the opposite of what usually happened in the past. Be it the looks, the attitude, the aura, and even the intelligence, everything about them is being compared.

"This can't be happening. I won't let him gain more attention. He already had everything that belongs to me. I won't gave anything, anymore." Allan clenched his fist as he told himself those words. Looking at himself at the mirror inside his bathroom, he just thought of something fun when he remembered the woman who made his world crumble.

"I will get my hands on her. What is yours will be mine." He smiled at himself as he brushed his dripping wet hair back in place.

"With face like this, a face that looks exactly like yours, just a bit of acting and everything will fall into place." Allan's laughed echoed within that room.

Allan went out of their mansion wearing what Albert usually wears and even walked exactly like him. All the maids greeted him as Albert.

Servants on that mansion differentiates them by how the twins dress up and the way they walk and present themselves. But with Allan acting as Albert, nobody noticed a thing.

"Well, that was an easy one and idiots are everywhere. Now, let's get that girlfriend of Albert." Allan said to himself as he rode his car.

"This is going to be fun!" He stepped on the gas and drove on the road like he owns it.

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