Chapter 11: Running out of Time

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Chapter 11: Running out of Time

I slided down the wall, holding onto my side, trying to stay conscious. Samantha came running towards me, the tears were still streaming down her face, but she had a look of determination in her eyes.

"Okay Alice I need you to stay awake for me okay?" Her voice was shaking but she spoke calmly. I opened and closed my eyes a couple of times, trying to clear my head.

"How old are you, Alice" She had begun wrapping my side with a bandage.

"I...I am 20" I sobbed as the pain got worse.

"Do you know where the cure is?" I asked her, as she was finishing up the bandage. She nodded, biting her lip.

"I need the cure and an adrenaline shot or else I won't be able to walk out of here." I tried to stand, but my shaking knees gave up from under me.

"I will get the cure" She said, running out of the room. I looked over at the still body in the middle of the room. A pool of blood had spread across the floor in a big circle, his phone was laying on the floor beside him. I crawled over to it, ignoring the blood which stuck to my knees and hands. I grabbed it in my hand, looked at the clock that read on the screen, 22:57. I counted in my head, at what time Aaron and Travis, would be leaving the school to go into the city. They would have to leave at about 5 in the morning. I wanted to calculate how long it would take me to drive back home, but I realized that I didn't know where I was. I thought for a moment to call Charles, but feared that James' phone would be traced.

Samantha came back, with a big suitcase, and immediately went to work on opening it and roaming through all the stuff in it. She pulled out a vial with a green substance, which she carefully put down on the ground beside her and continued looking for a syringe. She pulled it out and looked down at it, her hands shaking.

"I can do it myself" I reassured her as she got the cure ready. She handed me the needle and I carefully stuck it into my neck. I cried out in pain as I threw the needle across the floor and felt a weird sensation running through my body. I fell backwards onto my back and cried in pain, it felt like my body was on fire. Samantha held my weak body to the floor with one hand and pulled out a big needle with the other. She stabbed the needle into my thigh and I gasped, as if I had been unable to breath. The second she let go of me I carefully got up from the floor, standing up and stretching my arms and legs.

"The adrenalinshot, should keep you awake, long enough for you to get to the hospital" She said. My body stiffened.

"I can't go to a hospital, I need to go home, there is a doctor there that can take care of me." She remained silent and started to pack up the suitcase.

"Where are we?" I asked as we made our way out of the room and into a long hallway.

"We are at the edge of the city on the north side." I cursed under my breath, it would take me hours to get back home.

We made it into an office, which I could only asume to belong to James.

"If you don't tell anyone about anything that has happened here, then I won't either." I said, as we stopped in front of the desk. She seemed conflicted.

"You should go back to your husband and children and just forget about all of this." I advised her, leaning against the desk, being careful not to touch my side.

"How did you know?" I smiled.

"You are wearing a ring, and the way you looked at me and helped me, tells me that you probably have a daughter close to my age." She looked close to tears.

"You are safe from him, his men will never know that you had anything to do with his death, I promise you that."

She flung her arms around me and cried into my shoulders.

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