Announcement and Questions

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I cannot thank you guys enough for all the support this book has gotten, I never would have expected it to do so well and it never would have happened without you guys so thank you. 

On another note, I have a new book out!!! It's called New Girl on the Block already up on my page with a couple of chapters posted already so go check that out. It is different from Billionaire Baby Daddy just because it is more of a Teen Fiction genre, but I hope you like it none the less. 

The main reason I'm posting this is that I want your opinion on what books/genres you would like to see from me. I like to write but more importantly, I like to write things people enjoy so below I'll have categories and you guys can comment on the one(s) you like the most. 

Also, don't be afraid to tell me what storylines, tropes, and cliches you do/don't like, I can't promise you won't see them but this way I can be more aware

A - Teen Fictions and Romances

B - Chicklit/YA stories

C - Stories about babies and pregnancy

D - Fantasy/Werewolf

Let me know and again thank you guys so so so much.

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