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Trying to locate the food in this huge hospital is near impossible, it seems that a girl wanting some breakfast is wrong. My growling stomach protests when I consider going back to my dad, the hunger is on another level right now, it's probably for the best if I grab some food. My neck is strained by how I slept next to my dad's bed, a nurse woke me up this morning and I haven't left his side since. 

The chattering of people direct me towards two double doors, behind them I finally find the cafeteria. Grabbing a plate, the choice between bacon and eggs and baked beans is extremely easy. Filling it to the brim with bacon and eggs I pay for the food and scan the room for a place to sit down, the tables next to the windows are calling for me. Sitting down the food is devoured almost immediately while staring out on the passersby, they have no clue of all the misery that's going on right next to them. It's quite scary to consider. 

"Dakota?" A small voice asks and it shocks me slightly, next to the table with a plate of her own is a smiling Tilly. She sits down next to me, "Hope you don't mind me joining you."

Shaking my head with a smile, "Not at all, Tilly. How are you?"

"I'm good, Elijah and I are visiting our grandpa. He is a retired firefighter, but doesn't understand the 'retired' part of that title. So he hurt himself yesterday while helping a cat down a tree, it wasn't even that high up, it could literally have jumped down. But of course Papa Black is too stubborn to listen to me and Elijah," She rolls her eyes in humor. Their grandpa surely sounds just as stubborn as his grandson. 

I can't help but laugh a little, "Yeah, it clearly runs in the Black family, not being able to see necessary from unnecessary."

"Exactly, sis! And I'm living in it, do you realize how annoying that is?" Even though her words are harsh, she's trying to hide a smile behind her hand. She focuses on something behind me and I look in that direction, too. I spot Elijah first, his dark jeans and tight black shirt make me feel some type of way. The man walking next to him isn't as tall as Elijah, but the resemblance is very obvious, his grey hair is a clear contrast to his green eyes. As his grandson tries to help him walk in our direction, Papa Black slaps his hand away and I laugh at the sight. 

He manages to sit down in front of Tilly without any help, and Elijah sits down in front of me. He seems surprised to see me here, but a little smile falls onto his lips making me smile back at him, "Such a random place to find each other, love."

"I know," I smile. "Tilly found me, you actually just cut off our conversation."

Papa Black laughs and extends his hand, I shake it and meet his familiar eyes, "So you are Dakota then?"

Smiling, "Indeed I am, sir."

He lets go of my hand and shakes me off, "It's Papa Black to you, dear. God knows you're more polite than these two combined."

Funny how my dad finds Elijah more polite than me and his grandpa finds me more polite than Elijah and his sister. Tilly seems offended as Elijah and I laugh, "Grandpa, that isn't very nice. You're just mad because we were right about the cat all along!"

Now it's his turn to seems offended, "You were not! Did I or did I not get the cat down?"

She smirks, "You got it down by falling down with it, I would call it pure luck that you didn't land on the cat. Even then, it could have jumped down by itself and graciously at that."

"I will wash your tongue in mustard until you eat your words," He jokes with a pointed finger. "You know how it is, he who helps in the saving of others-"

"Saves himself as well," Both Elijah and Tilly finish for him. Clearly they have heard that sentence a few times too many, this family dynamic is very cute and I find myself quiet as they banter amongst each other. 

Elijah's eyes catch mine and I smile at him, there is a silent question stirring in him. He is obviously confused on why I'm here, but it's not like I can tell him. Especially not in these settings. He is the last person I expected to see here, so the shock from them being here finally catches up to me. Elijah is not the type to tell on people, my fear isn't him telling others, it's more whether he can stop himself from asking questions this time. 

Both of us have our secrets, he lied to me yesterday and many times before that, just like I have lied to him before. It's our way of protecting ourselves and dealing with the reality of our lives on our own. Him knowing won't do me any good, me knowing his problems won't do him any good. There is a silent agreement between us. 

"Yes!" Tilly's loud voice breaks my train of thoughts, everyone is looking at me. "Last time I saw her she wore these sunglasses so I couldn't see, but they are literal insanity."

"Sorry, I zoned out," I apologize with a smile. 

Papa Black laughs lightly, "We're talking about your eyes, they are the topic of choice right now. Tilly and I are shocked by how eyes can be so grey."

The heat reaches my cheeks, "My dad and I have completely grey eyes."

"What about your mom?" Tilly asks. 

"Her eyes are a faint blue."

"Do any of them have freckles?" She suddenly asks and the embarrassment heightens. 

"I'm the only freckled person in my family."

"But your arms aren't freckled," Her brows crease and I laugh by the sight. 

Showing her my arms, "No, it's only on my face, I know how weird it seems."

Her eyes meet mine and she smiles, "I find it very cool. It suits you."

"Thank you, Tilly," I'm used to people asking about my appearance, the grey eyes and freckles make for an uncommon face. If I don't talk about it, it weirds people out, if I do talk about it, it makes me seem conceited. There is literally no winning, so I've decided to talk about it if they ask like Tilly is right now. "I probably have to go, but it was so nice meeting you, Papa Black," He smiles at me and removes his imaginary hat in a respectful manner making me laugh. "And always a pleasure seeing you, Tilly," Unexpectedly, she jumps up and hugs me before sitting down again. 

Elijah looks at me with an easy smile, "I'll see you around, love."

Smiling, "I'll see you tomorrow." 

He seems surprised that I plan on showing up at school again, but it makes sense if I want to graduate. Smiling at all of them I leave with a small wave, their company made me forget the predicament my family is in right now. They tore me away from the harsh reality for a second and it gave me a chance to breathe. I'm so appreciative of that. 


Thank you for all the love and support already! I'm reading each and every comment and you have no idea how happy it makes me!

So much love ♡

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