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Jaxon smiled down at little Leo before waving his grandson goodbye. As he watched the car drive away, he felt the small arms of his wife wrap around his torso from behind. He placed his warm hand gently against her arm, feeling the goosebumps against her skin. 

"You cold, Darling?" Jaxon murmured as he turned around in her arms to wrap his own around her. Amora laid her head on his chest and nodded against him. He chuckled faintly and walked her back inside the house to protect her from the bitter wind. 

"Jax, can we snuggle? I feel lonely," Amora, even after years of being with him and at her age, was still shy and timid at times. It wasn't something she could necessarily control. Because of her past,  she'd always have these 'moments' of wanting and needing to be held. 

"Of course," He pressed a kiss to her temple and led her into their bedroom. He watched as she walked into the bathroom with one of his hoodies and walked back out with only that on. He chuckled lightly and changed into simple sweatpants before gliding into bed. He patted the spot next to him and smiled up at Amora. 

"Why are you feeling lonely?" He murmured to her as he placed an arm around her when she laid her head on his stomach. He knew what she wanted and he instantly started to rake his hands through her hair, stroke her head and massage it. 

"It's quiet without Cason and Leo... Emmy's gone all the time and-.. and," She gave a shaky breath and pulled the blanket tighter around her shivering body. She didn't say any more, just released a long sigh and relinquished in Jaxon's hand through her hair. 

Jaxon sighed deeply. "How about we take a vacation?" He murmured. "We could travel to a few different places. Emmy can stay at her friends." He explained. "It could just be our time. Enjoy ourselves," He soothed a hand over her head gently. "It'll be fun," He tried to convince her. 

Amora was quiet for quite a while until Jaxon felt her nod against his stomach. "Yeah," She whispered. "Let's go to Germany. No! Wait! I want to go to Paris!" She obviously was quite thrilled now, her mood brightening easily.  She lifted her head off his stomach and grinned up at him.  "Can we go to New Zealand instead?" 

Jaxon's eyes widened slightly at how fast her mood changed. His lips slowly pulled into a sly smirk, nodding. "How about we visit all of them this year? Just us. I'll book our flights to New Zealand tomorrow."  

"Really?" Amora asked with wide eyes.

"Yes, Sweetheart, Really." He chuckled. "Your such a child," He teased and pulled her by her arms up so she was face to face with him. He placed a chaste kiss to her lips and buried his face into her neck, playfully biting her shoulder. 

Amora squealed, obviously surprised by his bite, a light pink dusting her cheeks.  She laughed suddenly though when he blew against her skin, tickling her. She tried to escape, but he had the advantage of upper hands. 

"Jaxon!" She breathed out before laughing once again. 

Jaxon stopped suddenly and laughed into her shoulder. He let out a hum of satisfaction and sighed deeply. Though, unexpectedly, Amora's fingers were entwined with his hair as his head was yanked away from her body. A  grunt escaped passed his lips.

"Oww, Amora!" He whined and rubbed his head when she released him. He looked down at her with a pout and narrowed his eyes adorably. "That was mean," He muttered. "Why are you so rough? All I do is love you unconditionally," He added. 

Amora cupped his cheek and patted it gently. She gave a small smile as her lips parted. "Yes, you do love me unconditionally.  I'm sorry if that hurt you, Jax. I thought you could handle a little hair pulling," Amora said softly, a mischievous glint in her eyes. 

Jaxon wanted to assume there was a double meaning to her words, but she rarely made jokes or innuendos of the sort. Amora wasn't the person to do that so he brushed passed it and laid his head back on her shoulder. 

Jaxon flinched a little when he felt the same fingers from before glide smoothly into his hair. He relaxed instantly, letting out a content sigh as they stroked his head. He was ready to fall asleep when the hand left his hair. He whined and felt blindly around for her hand again, only to accidentally hit Amora in the face with the back of his hand.

"Jax," Amora whined and covered the side of her face with her hand. Jaxon immediately sat up and cupped Amora's face in his hands, frowning deeply, guilt covering his features.  

"I'm sorry," He cooed lightly and moved her hand from her face to inspect it. "Does it hurt?" He asked faintly, seeing a barely-there red mark. He rubbed the sore spot with his thumb as he sighed heavily. 

Amora nodded and huffed, turning her head away from Jaxon. Jaxon didn't let go, though, he did pull her face towards his own as he leaned in. He planted his lips softly on her forehead, then slowly trailed them down her face. He stopped right at the corner of her mouth. 

"I lo-" His words were cut off as she pressed her lips into his. He grinned and easily, lovingly kissed her back. He figured he was forgiven. They pulled away a moment later and Amora closed her eyes again, laying her head on his shoulder, burying her nose into the warm crook of his neck.

"Don't ever let go," She whispered against his skin.

"I never will, Sweetheart." He murmured into her hair, tightening his hold ever so slightly. 



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