Chapter 5-Salina

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  • Присвячено Michelle Hamilton


Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while guys. It was my birthday and then Halloween and another birthday. I was just a bussy body. Lol. I hope you guys like this chapter.


I was dancing to ‘Meet Me Halfway’ by The Black Eyed Peas with John when Tia grabbed my arm and dragged me back to the balcony that John and I were just at.

"Damn. What's up?!" I said to her getting more than a little annoyed. I was just dancing with my new boyfriend and here she comes dragging me away.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You've been acting strange since you came back from that club last week." She looked at me with concerned eyes.

I looked down. I knew it was inevitable. "Nothing's wrong with me."

"You're lying. I know when you're lying, so please don't. On Monday, the day after the club you just rushed out of the house. You left. You didn't eat your breakfast. You didn't even say hi to anyone. And now today you're little miss sexy. What the hell happened that night!?"

I looked away from her. "Nothing. I guess maybe it was time for a change.”

“You can change all you want. What’s the problem? What, are you looking for attention from dad or something?”

I was furious. How dare her! I would never need attention from an insufferable prick like him. “I don’t need attention from anyone! Did you ever think that maybe puberty was getting to me?! No you didn’t! So why don’t you just shut your goddamned trap!!”I didn’t mean for all that to come out, but I was trying to keep my father out of my system and then she just brings him into the equation. I had to lie to her. If I told her what I saw our father doing she would be worse than me. Not only would she cry 24/7, she would completely exclude herself from the outside world. It was ten times worst when we found out that grandma died from cancer. She had to go to therapy.

She looked offended. Then her mood shifted to angry. "Vete a la mierda tú!! You were falling all over John today. I saw you in class. Did you forget that we have first period together! It's like your seeking attention and at this rate; the only attention you'll be getting is from other men's dicks. I mean look at your costume. You look like a mierda prostituta."

She made me so angry. I just turned on my heel and went back downstairs. Alex and John were no were to be found, so I asked Tammy if she could give me a ride. We left and I ran into my home with tears on my face. I was crying the whole ride there but she never asked me what's wrong. That's why I like Tammy. She never pesters you with questions.

I had decided not too long ago that I don't have to be that girl that stands out like a sore thumb. I'm just gonna be me. But a happier and free and less shy me. But here comes Tia trying to bring me down. Whatever.

I picked up my phone and called John.

"Hello?" He sounded like he was in a car because I could hear all the traffic.

"Hey. It's me."

"Oh. Hey, Sal. Sorry I left. Alfred was about to get Alex drunk and I didn't know what might happen in that situation." He said while laughing.

"Nothing was going to happen you prick. It was just a drink. You act like I was going to suck his dick or something!!" I heard Alex scream from the back ground.

I laughed and so did John. "Hey can you come over? Please. I need someone to talk to."

"Okay." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Oh. But you have to keep it down. My sister's acting a little bitchy today."

"Oui ange. I'll see you later."

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