Chapter Fifteen

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Sen was watching Zuko give Aang another firebending lesson. It was still strange for Sen to see Aang bend fire instead of air.

"More ferocious!". Zuko said,"Imagine striking into your enemies heart".

Aang groaned and stopped firebending,"Urgh, I'm trying".

"Now, I want to see you roar like a tigerdillo". Zuko said.

Aang gave out a small roar and the flames came out tiny as well.

"That sounded pathetic". Zuko said,"I said roar!".

Aang spun before roaring and releasing large torrents of fire from his mouth and hands. Zuko nodded in satisfaction after that.

"Who wants cool, relaxing watermelon juice?". Katara asked.

"Ooh, me, me!". Aang said.

He tried to run but Zuko caught him.

"Hey, we're not done with your training". He said,"Get back here!".

"Oh, lighten up Zuko". Suki said,"Try to relax a little bit".

"Fine, if you wanna sit around the house like snail sloths all day then go ahead". Zuko said before walking away.

"Gee, what's his problem?". Sen asked, watching the prince walk away.

"Maybe Zuko's right". Sokka said,"Sitting around the house has made us pretty lazy. I know. Beach Party!!!".


That night after the beach party thing, the training exercise in which Aang refused to attack the Melon Lord, they all sat under the stars that night while having dinner.

"I have a surprise for everyone". Katara said, appearing after awhile.

"I knew it! You did have a thing with Haru". Toph piped up.

Everyone gave confused looks at this.

"Um, no". Katara said,"I was looking for pots earlier and I found this. Look at baby Zuko, isn't he cute?". She held up a portrait of a cute baby.

Zuko closed his eyes and had a dark expression on his face.

"Oh, lighten up. I'm just teasing". Katara said.

"That's not Zuko". Sen said without looking,"That's his father".

Everyone became quiet at that.

"But he looked so sweet and innocent". Suki spoke up.

"Well, that sweet little kid grew up to be a monster and the worst father in the history of fathers". Zuko said.

"But he's still a human being". Aang piped up who was quiet this whole time.

"You're going to defend him?". Zuko asked in disbelief.

"No, I agree. Firelord Ozai is a horrible and the world would be better without him". Aang said,"But there's gotta be another way".

"Like what?".

"I don't know. I know, we could make huge pots of glue and then I could use gluebending to stick his arms and legs together so he can't bend anymore".

"Yeah, then you could show him all his baby pictures and the happy will make him good again". Zuko said.

"You really think that would work?". Aang asked hopefully.

"No!". Zuko said.

Aang started to pace around in front of his friends.

"This goes against everything I learned from the monks". Aang said,"I can't just go around wiping people out I don't like".

"Sure you can. You're the Avatar, if its in the name I'm sure the universe would forgive you". Sokka said.

"This isn't a joke, Sokka!". Aang burst out in anger,"None of you understand the position that I'm in".

"Aang, we do understand. It's just-".

"Just what, Katara? What?!".

"We're trying to help". Katara said getting a little irritated.

"Then when you figure out a way for me to beat the Firelord without taking his life, I'd love to hear it". Aang said before walking away.

"Aang, don't walk away from this". Katara said.

She tried to go after him but she stopped when she felt Zuko's hand on her shoulder.

"Let him go". He said,"He needs time to sort it out himself".

"Aang is right, you know". Sen said,"None of you do understand the position that he is in".

"Not you too". Zuko said.

"Pay attention, Zuko". Sen said,"Aang was raised as an Air nomad, he was taught from the beginning that taking a life was a a bad stain on the world. I mean, have any of you taken a life before? Since you talk about it so openly in front of it".

Then all of them sagged in guilt.

"No". They all said.

"That's what I thought". Sen said,"Next time, try to think things through before you tell someone to do something they've never done before".

He then walked away.


Sen found Aang meditating outside the beach house, he saw him talking to Momo before he went back to meditating. Sen walked up and sat down next to him, he heard the younger airbender sigh.

"You got a sec?". Sen asked.

"Sure". Aang replied with closed eyes.

"I know this whole thing about killing Ozai has you stressed out". Sen said,"But you shouldn't take your frustrations out on your friends, they are there to help and will always be there for you".

"I know". Aang said,"I just want them to understand what I'm going through. I've never taken a life before, Sen".

"Yes, I know". Sen said,"Ending a life is not a thing to be taken lightly. I know how you feel, Aang. I also hesitated when I had the opportunity to end Sozin's life".

"I don't really know what to do". Aang said.

"Aang, if you happen to go through with ending Ozai, just know that I won't think any less of you. I will always support your decisions, remember that". Sen said.

Aang gave a small smile,"Thanks, Sen".

Sen smiled.

"Anytime, Aang".

He got up and headed for his own room. It was difficult seeing Aang in this state, usually the young airbender was happy and cheerful but now he just seemed detached and stressed. Despite, being 114 Sen didn't think he'd see the day of Aang being in this condition. Things were a lot easier when they were just Air nomad kids playing pranks on Elder Monks, but it seemed even those don't last a lifetime.

To Sen, this was a curse. He had to replay the death of his people many times in his head, on most nights he couldn't even sleep at all.

"Gyatso, I really hope you and the other Air nomads are looking after Aang in this difficult time". Sen said silently.

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