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Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter Thirty-Four

Ava woke with a slight pain in her lower abdomen and a major headache. She was cold and thirsty but that all didn't matter when she had know idea how her baby was doing and if she was alright.

"Good morning Ava," A nurse says walking into the room followed by a smiling Wren and father. "I don't want you panicking or you could open up your stitches, instead I need you to lay perfectly still so I can give you a check up and I can tell you about your beautiful daughter, can you do that for me?"

Ava slowly nods her head her eyes going over towards her father and sister who waved. She darts her eyes back to the doctor who presses a button on the side of her bed that started lifting it so she could sit up straight and not laying down.

"I'm going to go call Grayson," Ava hears Wren whisper to their dad before leaving the room.

"Okay, do you remember anything that happened?" The doctor asked as he grabbed a flash light from his coat pocket.

Ava nods her head wincing at the brightness of the light as he flashed it in her eyes. "Yeah, my ex best friend shot me at the library."

The doctor nods his head jolting something down onto the clipboard that was being held under his left armpit.

"That's good, okay. So we had to do an emergency c-section due to the high stress and amount of blood that you were losing. You lost a fair amount of blood during the surgery but we were able to stabilize and get the baby and bullet out without harming either of you." The doctor says folding his hands in front of him with the clipboard pressed against his chest.

"Due to the fact that the baby was born prematurely, she is in the NICU," He continues. "That's where the baby will be kept until she gets better and can do things on her own. Once we get you something to eat and cleaned we can have you go up and meet your beautiful baby, okay?"

Ava nods her head licking her chapped lips. The doctor smiles and tells her that if she needs anything to press the phone button the remote and it will ring a nurse to come help before leaving the room leaving her alone with her dad.

"Ava, are you feeling? You gave everybody a fright back there." Her dad awkwardly laughs as he takes the empty chair beside her bed.

"I feel sore but I don't care about that I just want to see my baby."

Her dad smiles knowingly. "You're going to love her so much. She looks so much like you, I swear Grayson hasn't left her side and if he does he's right here beside you." He kindly smiles.

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