Chapter twenty: Imposters and emotions

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While Jeremy was filled to the brim with sadness and despair, Lucifer was furious.

While Jeremy was curled up tight against the cold wall, all alone apart from a single angel guard, Lucifer was on a rampage. And it wasn't pretty.

Lucifer had woken up the following morning and waited for the human to get out of bed. They usually ate breakfast together in the dining hall, but Jeremy was nowhere to be seen, and it was confusing the devil. He instantly got worried when he thought maybe Jeremy's ankle had gotten infected and he couldn't walk, but then he remembered the boy could crawl if that was the case, and that he most likely was sleeping in.

The devil, being the man that he was, decided to go wake him up. He couldn't stand being ignored, even if he had slowly grown fond of the human.


Kevin Jones' head pounded as he frantically looked around an unfamiliar room. He was currently lying in a bed with yesterday's clothes on. One of the first things he noticed was how dark it was despite it being daytime. It was like someone had put sunglasses on him but when he quickly felt his head, he knew that wasn't the case.

The stillness of the room disappeared when he heard footsteps nearing the room. When the doorknob jiggled, Kevin gasped and quickly lied back down and pulled the duvet over his head, pretending to sleep. The door opened, causing the high school dropout to hold his breath in anticipation.

Lucifer looked down at the lump on the bed and hummed, "Jeremy, get up, I'm hungry." He was so used to eating with his human by his side that he didn't see a point in discontinuing this trend that also allowed him to know for certain that the human was healthy and eating.

Kevin bit his lip upon hearing the strong voice of an unknown male. How on Earth was he supposed to get out of this situation? Moreover, how did he even get into this situation?

The devil frowned when the lump didn't respond, but he knew that the human was awake by the sound of his erratic breathing. "What's wrong?" He was worried now; did he not want to eat? The worried mother hen lightly grabbed the lump's shoulder that tensed under his touch, causing the devil to retreat his hand as if it had been burned.

Lucifer returned to the door with a frown on his face, deeply offended and confused by Jeremy's actions, it was so unlike him to be so rude—even if he was being emotional. "I asked Doriani to join us for breakfast, I thought you might like that." He clenched his jaw together hard, refusing to acknowledge the pain piercing through his heart, "Whatever." The door loudly smacking closed, was the last thing Kevin heard before the room fell silent again, and he let out a breath in relief.

With a sour frown on his face and a heavy heart, Lucifer returned to the dining hall where Doriani was already seated and waiting for his friend. He immediately noticed the male's glum mood and chewed his lip, wondering if he should ask what was wrong. Lucifer hadn't liked Doriani that much ever since he flirted with his human, but he had been kind enough to ask him to dine with them, so he decided to return the kindness. "Are you alright?"

Lucifer sat himself down on the chair at the end of the table "Perfect," he said flatly. Silence fell upon the room again as the young demon made his second attempt, "Where's Jeremy?"

If it was even possible, the devil's mood diminished even more, "He's not coming."

It was Doriani's turn to frown, "Should I go check up on him?" His only response was an indifferent shrug but they both knew that Lucifer cared more than he'd ever let on. Slowly, the demon rose from his chair and walked to Jeremy's private room, where he knocked on the door. He tried again when no one replied, "What did you do to Lord Lucifer, he was in a real shitty mood?" Doriani chuckled at the end, finding amusement in seeing other emotions than anger and annoyance in the devil.

Finally he heard shuffling on the other side of the door, yet no one opened. "Jeremy? It's Doriani," he called. "I'm coming in." He rolled his eyes as he opened the unlocked door and stepped inside the darkened room, "It's very rude not to answer—" His sentence was cut short as a gasp left his mouth when a hand clamped itself onto his mouth while something cold and metallic was lodged against his throat.

"Jeremy?" Doriani's muffled voice sounded as he tried to turn around but Jeremy wouldn't let him—When did he get so strong? "What are you doing?" The metal piece moved deeper into his throat, causing the boy's eyes to widen and fear to spread through his body; this was so unlike the innocent human who shied away from any conflict.

"I'm not Jeremy, bitch," a young but firm voice sounded by the demon's ear. Doriani froze in his place for a moment, his heart beating erratically. Kevin removed his hand around his mouth and asked, "Where am I?"

This, however, caused the demon to frown, "You're in Lucifer's mansion, how can you not know this?"

"Lucifer..." he heard him mumble, "As in the devil?"

Doriani rolled his eyes, his fear gradually getting replaced with annoyance. With the guy's focus being momentarily thrown off, the demon quickly jabbed his elbow into his ribs, causing him to hiss and let go. He turned around to face the guy but frowned when he was met with an unfamiliar boy who appeared to be around nineteen years old. In his hand was a metal piece that he instantly recognised as a letter opener.

"Who the hell are you?" Doriani cried out. The boy's eyes were wide but he still looked determined, "I'm Kevin Jones, who the hell are you?" He replied but instantly stopped himself, "Actually I don't care." Doriani growled at Kevin's whole demeanour and wondered if he'd ever heard that name before. If he remembered correctly, he'd heard it being mentioned by Lucifer and Jeremy a few times when he wasn't supposed to listen in... it wasn't like he could stop his ears from listening.

"How do I get out of here?" Kevin asked and pointed the letter opener towards his throat again. Doriani glared at the metal but he knew exactly what to do. Step one was to make Kevin believe he had the upper hand.

The demon raised his hands, "I'll take you to the exit." Kevin nodded, "And no funny games."

It took everything in the young demon not to snap back at him. When he reached to open the door, the familiar piece of metal jabbed into his side. His jaw clenched tight as he started walking and grabbed the human's wrist to make him follow. Kevin stumbled after him, almost crashing into the ground before he regained his footwork and reluctantly followed the demon who was multiple steps ahead now.

He ran to keep up and lodged the letter opener into his throat again, "Don't do that again." Doriani cursed, he was really getting tired of that damned letter opener.

The hallways in Lucifer's mansion looked the same, much to his convenience. It was almost embarrassing for Kevin how easy it was to trick him. His ignorance played a huge part of course. It wasn't long before they stood in front of the grand doors.


I loved that you guys actually responded to my question so now I want to ask more haha!

Q: If you're comfortable to say, which country are you from?

Q: What's your favourite published book(s)/ authors? Mine is the Divergent series by Veronica Roth or maybe Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey Mcquiston. My fav authors are probably Roth and Adam Silvera.

Happy reading! Xx Not much left anymore whoops

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