Chapter 36

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Chapter Thirty Six

"This is an ugly color." Erica says as she paints her fingernails a dark green. We tried telling her green isn't the way to go with nail polish but she wouldn't listen.

Adalyn rolls her eyes, "Well duh Erica. Nobody wants to look at you fingers and think of spinach."

She laughs and stars taking off the color.

I decided earlier that a girls night would be fun. I was sitting at lunch while Mason and Cameron argued over how many cheerleaders would fit in the back of Trace's pick-up and then it dawned on me, girls night. Just the four of us would be a lot of fun.

Not that we don't completely adore the guys' company but sometimes it's nice to hang out with people who don't compare body odor and laugh at farts.

"Are you still going with Lucas tomorrow to visit his grandparents?" Erica asks and Adalyn frowns.

"Yep, it's over an hour away which sucks. But he hasn't seen them in a while and thinks it could be fun, plus he said he wanted to show me off to his grandfather who always teased him about never getting a girl. Believe it or not but he wasn't always as hunky as he is now. He used to look like a walrus," she smiles to herself, "but he's my walrus."

Josephine and I exchange humorous looks and Erica chuckles.

"Glad you were able to find yourself a walrus," Josephine laughs and Adalyn nods confidently.

Adalyn turns to me, "What about you and Trace? What happened while the two of you were keeping warm in sketchy motel rooms?" she wiggles her eyebrows.

I laugh but not because I think this is funny. I laugh because everyone has already asked the same question, like it's almost a given fact that something would happen between us while we sleep in the same room. Only that isn't the case here.

We spent the entire weekend together and everything went fine. There was no kissing or physical interaction of any sort but I think it's a little bit funny that all of our friends suspected there would be.

"Nothing," I say flatly and she narrows her eyes in disbelief.

"I'm not lying." I laugh out.

"The entire weekend went by and nothing happened? You spent two days with him and his broad shoulders and you never once tried to see what's underneath that clothing?" Erica asks, surprising all of us.

Adalyn gawks at her for a short moment before bursting into a fit of laughter, "Damn, I think Erica has some explaining to do."

She shakes her head, "I don't like Trace if that's what you're getting at, but he's hot and anyone with eyes is aware of that simple fact."

She turns back to me as if waiting for my answer. Wow, my friends have no faith in me whatsoever. Not everyone just sees a hot guy and jumps him.

"I'm not lying," I laugh.

Josephine shrugs, "I believe her."

She turns to the other two girls and they all exchange knowing stares before shrugging it off and getting back to their manicures.

Only mere seconds go by before Josephine gives me a questioning smile, "Do you like Trace?"

Suddenly, the door opens and mom walks into the room.

Thank goodness. This girls night was turning into an exposing Emma game really fast.

"Oh, is this girls night!" She squeals and tosses her stuff onto the couch to sit next to us on the floor.

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