Chapter 30

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We get home and with a sharp resonating crack I slap her fucking face. 

"That will teach you to disobey me. Right now I have Natasha waiting for me. Let's start the punishment tomorrow why don't we?" I sneer in her face. 

"When you are sober enough to feel the pain!" With that said I leave her with the thoughts, a red cheek lying on the floor drunk. 

I don't have to care for her. 

I won't.

Not when Tasha, half my heart, is waiting for me back at the apartment. 

"What took so long babe?" Tasha asks as soon as I open the door to my apartment. 

She is sitting on the couch ready for me as always in nothing but black lingerie. 

"That bitch thought she could disobey and get away with it!" I tell her the basics of what happened. 

"Tomorrow she'll receive punishment. I will show her what pain truly is." I take off my suit jacket and cradle her in my arms. 

"Rom!" She squeals when I nuzzle my head in her breasts. 

They are comfortable. 

"I love you!" I mumble while pecking the swell of her breasts.

"I love you Rom!" She moans out when I suck on her sensitive spot.

Tasha's green eyes shine with ecstasy. I can't get enough of her. 

"I need you!" She whispers softly. 

Those words become my weakness as I pull her into my arms. Carrying her to our bedroom and placing her on the bed. 

"Who does this belong to?" I grab her breasts in my hands and squeeze them. 

"You Rom!" She moans out loud. 

"Who does this belong to?" I push my lips onto hers. 

"You Rom!" Louder than the last but I am not yet done. 

Stripping myself I enter her thrusting in and out at different speeds, "Who does this belong to?" I slam into her over and over. 

"YOU!" She groans in pleasure. 

We spend that night worshiping each other's bodies. Not getting enough. Exploring sensitive areas until we grew tired. 

There's a sense of calmness within me. Knowing tomorrow I am going to give that bitch what she deserves.

I want her sober. I want her to feel the pain. I want her to regret. 

This torture will make her regret ever disobeying me. 

Athena Rosa hope you are ready. 

For your fucking punishment.


The next morning I wake up with a pounding headache not remembering anything apart from Romero dragging me out of the club.

I don't know how I got into my room. I'm still in the tight dress from last night. 

Where's Alyssa and Matt? 

What happened to Dante? 

After swallowing a painkiller with water, I head back into the shower to sober up.

To get the drunk feeling off. To feel clean. 

When I'm done I grab some shorts and a tank top and throw them on. I blow dry my hair and leave my face natural before heading downstairs for breakfast.

Broken VowsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ