Chapter 93 [I Can Help You]

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At the mention of this issue, even Long Tianhao found it especially strange.

During that period of time, Ye had sent out secret agents to investigate the matter more than once. The reports he got was that Miss Lin was repulsive-looking and totally insane.

This was all part of the Queen's plan to use Concubine De to threaten and oppress him.

Little did he expect that he had stumbled upon a treasure.

He was initially wary of Lin Mengya, however, as time went by, he slowly let his guard down on her.

Although she was a tough lady, her eyes were clear and she did things in the open, even if she meant to harm.

Actually, after careful consideration, she had her reasons for everything she did.

Perhaps things happened the way she claimed it to be, that she was stimulated by the shock she experienced when she was in the bridal sedan.

As Long Tianhao went into deep thoughts, Qinghu spotted him.

After signaling to Lin Mengya with a look in his eyes, Qinghu disappeared.

Lin Mengya was left on her own in the pavilion to enjoy the sight of the moon.

"Your Highness, the Prince, why are you trying to hide since you've come?"

Her crisp voice was raised to a higher pitch as she spoke and Long Tianhao was slightly taken aback. Nevertheless, he walked out from the shadows quietly.

"I will be in charge of your safety from now on."

Lin Mengya looked blankly at Long Tianhao for a few seconds before she recovered.

She smiled faintly and with a soft voice, she said,

"In that case, thanks, Your Highness."

Long Tianhao was a man of his words. He would bring to pass whatever he promised to do.

By this time, she was surrounded by highly skilled people in martial arts. She supposed no evil man could even get closer to her.

The words of Long Tianhao carried much more weight than all that pointless insurance.

"I've sent men to do some investigation. Those men who attacked you belong to the Crown Prince's death squad. The only thing was that they don't usually show themselves."


"So I have a feeling that they were not the Crown Prince's men."

Lin Mengya looked at the princes with admiration.

It appeared that Long Tianhao was not just a good-looking dude, but was extremely intelligent too.

He realized that they were able to arrive at a common understanding regarding certain issues.

She was many times better than his silly friends were.

"That's exactly my thoughts, I find them very strange. Every move of theirs was ruthless and fatal, yet they were so quick to retreat and did not even try to remove their comrades' dead bodies. They didn't look like they were from the death squad, who would go all out to complete their mission. They could be putting up an act, yet it looked so real."

To common people who meet with such an attack, they would first try to investigate the whereabouts of the attackers.

However, the dead bodies that were left behind did not present any identity or leads.

The only thing that was left behind was the trigonous dart, which could be used to prove the identity of the attackers.

Although the clues were pointing towards the Crown Prince, yet it also proved him to be innocent.

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