Chapter 1: Cryogenic

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A small pod was drifting through space in no special direction. The pod was human-sized and looked like an escape pod, however, something was off about it the pod. The human inside it was in cryosleep and looked peaceful, but alive. In the distance, there was a ship coming towards the pod. As the ship came closer to the pod, it directed a beam of light at it.

The ship was massive. So massive in fact that it was actually carrying a planet beneath it. It was almost as big as the planet it was carrying beneath it. The planet was beautiful, it was surrounded by some kind of shield, with iridescent rainbow colors, protecting it from space, it was blue like Earth, but at the same time, something about it looked magical.

If the human in the pod was awake, he would forget how to breathe and would be speechless from the sheer beauty of the whole scene unfolding before his eyes. Compared to the ship and the planet, the human pod looked like a piece of sand in a sand storm. The beam of light pulled the pod into one of the openings on the massive ship and as soon as it put it on the ground inside the ship, it disappeared.

The pod didn't open right away, there was a control panel on the pod that had to be activated to open the pod. This was a problem because the robots on the alien ship didn't understand the language on the pod console. The robots were intelligent so they tried to open the pod in a different way. They removed the top of the console and connected directly to the pod itself. They still had a problem opening the pod because the programing language was so old and rigid that it took them a couple of tries to get the pod open.

When the pod finally opened, the human inside sat up, saw a bunch of robots around him, leaned over the edge of the pod and vomited, violently. The robots looked at each other and stood there until the human was done vomiting.

"Sorry about that guys. I don't like cryosleep. It always makes me nauseous, this time it really did its job on me." The human said.

The robots helped the human out of the pod and put shackles around his feet and arms.

"What are you doing? I'm not a criminal. You could have just asked me to come with you." The human said and one of the robots pressed a button on the hand shackles. He started levitating and two robots grabbed his arms and pushed him forward while the other followed. "Uuuuu... Levitating shackles. I like that. Thank you science for not making me walk when I'm falsely imprisoned." The human said with sarcasm in his voice.

As the robots were taking him somewhere, he looked around the ship. The ship walls were white and the shapes clean, oval and smooth. 'At least it's not all black and covered in skulls. Maybe these guys are good.' Ha thought as the robots pushed him through one of the oval doors. The room was divided into two sections and he had no idea what the sections were for. One of the robots pushed another button on his shackles and he stopped levitating. They took of his shackles and one of the robots gave him a box.

"What?" The human asked.

The robot pushed the box into his hands.

"What do I do with this?" The human asked and the robot mimicked taking off his clothes. "Ooooooo... You want me to take off my clothes. Why? Can't you disinfect me like this?" The human asked but got no answer, just more robot mimicking taking off its clothes. He felt like he was in a cheap striptease bar, but he listened to the robot, took off his clothes and put them in the basket.

The robot took the basket and put it on the table in the right section of the room. 'Why do they sterilize the clothes separately?' The human thought because it made no sense. It was a waste of energy. On Earth ships, all personnel went through decontamination with their clothes on. It was faster and more efficient. A robot grabbed his hand and put him in the left section on the room inside a red circle. The other robot did the same thing with the box of clothes.

Time flies by when you're sleepingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang