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I know some of you on Wattpad are in high school or under. I'm a Senior myself. However, that doesn't give you an excuse to have crappy grammar in your book. I'll give you the basics, then recommendations.


You would not believe how many times I see that an author forgot to capitalize someone's NAME. Seriously, a name is capitalized. For those of you who didn't know, now you do.


Okay, I know dialogue is confusing. I'll show you some basic things.

If you're putting He said, She said, or I said at the end of a dialogue, put a comma instead of a period.

Many authors forget this detail, and it ends up making their work look like this:
"Blah blah blah." He said.
Or, they decide they want the pronoun lowercased.
"Blah blah blah." he said.

The proper way to do dialogue is to do this:
"Blah blah blah," he said.
So and so looked around. "This place looks weird."
I chuckled, "You're crazy!"

Also, at the beginning of dialogue, you would capitalize it as you would with a normal sentence, even if it's like that last example.


I know some people are lazy. I'm one of those sometimes. But, laziness shouldn't be an excuse to not go back and spell check your chapter. Trust me on this one: if you don't go back and check for mistakes, it'll make your book (and you, sometimes) look crappy. I've read a few works where people never went back to look through, and you could tell that they didn't. It made me question if they were in a hurry, or just didn't care. Let me tell you something, if it looks like you don't care about your book, more than likely your readers won't care, either.

Their, There, and They're

You would not believe how often I've seen someone write something like I can see there tired. Or I can't believe their moving!

A tip for writers like that:
Their is possessive.
Ex. That's their house.
There is a place.
Ex. The thing is over there.
They're is a mix of they and are.
Ex. They're finally coming home.

Now that you know, don't let me catch you with that mistake.

A REALLY helpful tip

If you're using a laptop, computer, chromebook, desktop, etc., then you can install Grammarly for free. It's something that's helped me COUNTLESS times. I suggest you get it.

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