Part 24

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I had managed to keep the arrangement a secret. Liam was not aware of this since I could not explain how Jenna came to believe that she would meet someone at the party. I was okay with Aiden thinking I was crazy to believe in some weird prophecy (as I had told him) but I did not want to risk it with Liam.

I ducked behind my laptop for an hour in the morning as Jenna had breakfast and dressed for work.

'You look busy today,' she said as she was ready to leave.

'Hmm a little,' I said briefly looking at her.

'Don't forget about the party tonight,' she said giving me a curious look. I guess that was because I was acting a little weird.

'Yeah, I remember. You get back home on time, Liam will be here to pick us up.'

'I won't be coming home. I'll come to the party directly from the office. See, I am taking my dress with me,' she said waving the bag she was holding.

'Oh okay. Then I guess we'll meet you there.'

She stopped at the half open door and turned around and asked, 'For whom was the third pass?'

I sat bolt upright, staring at her. Without another thought I exclaimed, 'Aiden!'

To my surprise, she simply nodded and left.

In the evening, I dressed up in Maroon off shoulder gown. Liam picked me up and as he drove, I checked with Aiden regarding Jenna's date.

"Everything's set. He'll be there in 10 minutes," read his message. I held on to my phone until we arrived at the ball so as to not miss any message from Aiden. I slipped it into my clutch as I got out of the car. The exterior of the venue was not what I had imagined. It looked like any other club-- dark, worn out and rusty with a small door as an entrance. As I entered with Liam, I was in for a shock. The masquerade ball was not a ball at all. It was in a smoke filled, stuffy pub with loud music and dancing that did not resemble a ball room dance in any sense. Everyone had their masks on but clothing was not fit for a grand ball as I had imagined. Me and Liam dressed so formally, stood out in the crowd of dancing bodies in front of us. Men were all casually dressed, no suits nor tux. Women were all dressed in sexy dresses suitable for a night out but no one was in an evening gown.

'Eva!' I heard Jenna's voice over loud music as we sat at the bar,. I strained my eyes to find her in the dim lighted, smoke filled room.

'You really thought this was that type of ball?' she asked taking a step back to look at my dress.

She was dressed in a short sequin dress with an open back. Seeing my shocked expression she said smiling, 'At-least you got the masks right.'

'Why do they call it a masquerade ball?' I said waving my hands at the horror in front of me.

'This is a yearly party of a lingerie brand. What did you expect, ball gowns? I invited you last year as well but  you missed it or you would have known what to expect.'

I closed my eyes hoping Jenna's date was not already here. He would stand out like a sore thumb if he came dressed as instructed. Me and Liam were overdressed but him, he had to make an impression on Jenna.

'You look beautiful and I am with you. We are the odd couple here but you are not alone,' said Liam pulling me closer to him.

He was supportive and extremely adorable but he had no idea what was going on in my mind. Excusing myself, I rushed to the restroom and called Aiden. He did not answer so I typed as fast as I could:

"This is a club and not a ball. Lose the formal wear if possible."

After waiting for a reply for a few minutes, I decided to go back in. There was nothing more that I could do.

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