9. You are such a cockalorum.

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Chapter 9.

You are such a cockalorum.


I've been in 2 millenniums, 2 centuries, 3 decades, seen the first black president, the twin towers fall, Bin Laden killed, Michael Jackson die, a royal wedding between a prince and a commoner, 9 planets become 8, I've seen storms like Hurricane Katrina, Tsunami in East Asia, earthquake in Haiti, survived Y2K and the Mayan apocalypse. I'm not even 20 yet.

I grinned as I read the Instagram post instantly double tapping on it. I felt a pair of curious eyes on me and turned to face Ace looking at me intensely.

"What are you smiling at?" He asked, coming closer and sitting beside me on the couch.

I shrugged and showed him the post.

"True." He agreed and then frowned. "But what is Y2K?"

I scanned my brain for the information. "It was the Year 2000 Problem, a problem for both digital and non-digital situations which resulted from the practice of abbreviating a four-digit year to two digits." I replied.

He grinned mischievously. "Scholar good muffin!"

I rolled my eyes, a small smiling creeping up my face. "It's common sense okay. But then common sense isn't so common lately. Some just don't have it." I coughed, discreetly pointing towards him.

"Yeah, everyone can't be awesome like me. Good looks plus brains and common sense and a looooong co-"

I covered my ears, shaking my head. "Gosh please I don't even want to hear it."

He smirked, removing my hands. "I was going to say a long couch, what did you think?" he fake gasped. "You dirty dirty minded muffin."

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up."

"So dirty minded." He continued to smirk. "I have such an innocent mind comparatively."

I snorted in laughter. "Oh puh-lise! The only thing you have is a certification in stupidity and sexual innuendos."

He puffed out his chest proudly. "Even that is a talent. Thank you, muffin!"

I scowled at him. "What's with the cake name?"

"Suits you." He shrugged. "Better than nerd."

"I am not a nerd you pig-headed giraffe."

"Sure you are, you bear with thorns."

"Shut up!"

"Pant down!"

"I said SHUT not SHIRT, you deaf bimbo!"


"Ugh!" I threw my hands up in exasperation. I would never have a decent conversation with Bryan Cooper. "Just shu -keep quiet."

"That's what I said but just she kept screaming my name." I could see he was trying to hold in his laughter by the way he pressed his lips together and the way his eyes shone bright with amusement and glee.

"You are such a-" I paused trying to think of a perfect adjective for him. "- such a cockalorum."

He opened his mouth to retort but immediately closed it. "Did you mean cocklong? Mine is long. Want to see?"

I hit him with the pillow. "No duffer, cockalorum. It means an arrogant, annoying and an obnoxious jerk."

He let out a chuckle like it didn't matter to him. "I still think it should be cocklong."

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