Chapter Nineteen

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Jonah’s POV

I sit across from them. Their hood is up and the only thing that lights the room is the faint moonlight. I can’t even let my own advisors know this--they might undo my plans. “And you have information on the witches? Their hideout?”

Their eyes shine. With that hood on their head, I was never able to discern if it’s a woman or man I’ve been speaking to. It doesn’t matter really, as long they’re close to the rebels. “Even better. I have information on the Luna.”

The hairs on the back of my neck rise. “What?”

Their voice is low and thick. “She’s trying to escape.” 

“I know that. But she can’t, not this time. She’ll tire herself out eventually.”

“Oh?” they say, “is that what will happen? Or does she already have one foot out the door?”


“The Luna has been very touchy-feely hasn’t she? She’s doing it on purpose, hoping that in your haze you’ll let down your guard and she can collect information for the rebels.”

Or maybe it’s my pheromones driving her wild. It’s what any reasonable man would think of his mate. But…..I sigh.“She’s been skipping out iron on purpose hasn’t she?”

“I don’t know, I can’t say. But I know the Luna is in contact with the rebel witch’s leadership.”

“How have you been spying in my castle?”

“Just call me an ambassador of the moon goddess. She sent me here.”

This person is crazy. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were a conman using me for a meal. If that turns out to be the case, I will rip their neck out. “Okay…..what else can you offer me?”

“Influence on her. I’ll get her to do what you wish and I’ll stop the witches helping her.”

“There are witches helping her? Here?”

“Why of course, but you’re not going to find them. They’re too skilled for you.” 

I frown and drum my fingers on the table. “Her heat is taking over her, it can’t be far now. Now, it’s close, very close. I think I can win her then.”

“And I suspect the rebels are close too. They will make their move before it happens, they will steal her back.”

The twins helped her escape once, but they ran off without her when I got to her in Boston. Why are they coming back now? “And use her as ransom?”
“They must think they’re saving her. The twins and your mate, they were all very close.”

“And it’s been a thorn in my side,” I grumble. I lean forward, closer to the masked figure. “And your it guaranteed?”

“Of course. Are you saying magic from the moon goddess will fail?”

“I need an edge. And if you’re going to be that edge, I will take the chance. Encourage her to continue upon the path she’s on. Let her continue trying to glean information of me.”

“That’s it?”

“What else do you propose?

“I suppose I was thinking of encouraging her now to fight the heat. Perhaps even seduce you.”

I wipe my clammy palms on my pant legs. “Continue.”

“Think of it. If I tell her to make you fall in love with her, completely and wholly, along the way, she’ll realize she loves you. Then she no longer wants to leave. Then you have half of your problem solved.”

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